I Live In The Mess You Are

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

And I could find out the truth

I could open you

I could find out the truth

If I just wasn't so blue

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

And I could sure use some truth

If I could see I'd follow you

And I could find out the truth

I could open you

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

And I could find out the truth

If I just wasn't so blue

If I could see what you saw

It might change my point of view

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

And we are walking round that graveyard

We are making love again

We are drinking in the sunlight

We are seeing if we can

Believe in the mess we are

Conceive in the mess we are

Find peace in the mess we are

Bah bah-da bah bah-da bah

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

Bah bah-da bah bah-da bah

And we are on the road to something

We are sleeping still inside

We are naming idea children

We are thinking how we might

Believe in the mess we are

Conceive in the mess we are

Find peace in the mess we are

Bah bah-da bah bah-da bah

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

I'm in love with the mess you are

Bah bah-da bah bah-da bah

Mirror lyrics:

Bah bah-da bah bah-da bah

I'm in love with the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

Bah bah-da bah bah-da bah

Find peace in the mess we are

Conceive in the mess we are

Believe in the mess we are

We are thinking how we might

We are naming idea children

We are sleeping still inside

And we are on the road to something

Bah bah-da bah bah-da bah

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

Bah bah-da bah bah-da bah

Find peace in the mess we are

Conceive in the mess we are

Believe in the mess we are

We are seeing if we can

We are drinking in the sunlight

We are making love again

And we are walking round that graveyard

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

It might change my point of view

If I could see what you saw

If I just wasn't so blue

And I could find out the truth

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

I could open you

And I could find out the truth

If I could see I'd follow you

And I could sure use some truth

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

If I just wasn't so blue

I could find out the truth

I could open you

And I could find out the truth

I live in the mess you are

I live in the mess you are

Relevant Tags:
II LLive IIn TThe MMess YYou AAre ive n he ess ou re I iLve nI hTe eMss oYu rAe j kive jn fhe jess gou zre jI kLive jIn fThe jMess gYou zAre
Ij Lkive Ijn Tfhe Mjess Ygou Azre 9 oive 9n 5he kess hou qre 9I oLive 9In 5The kMess hYou qAre I9 Loive I9n T5he Mkess Yhou Aqre l pive ln hhe ness 6ou sre
lI pLive lIn hThe nMess 6You sAre Il Lpive Iln Thhe Mness Y6ou Asre o Liive on yhe Meess uou wre oI Lve oIn yThe Mss uYou wAre Io Lvie Ion Tyhe Mses Yuou Awre
k Ljve kn 6he Msss 7ou xre kI Ljive kIn 6The Msess 7You xAre Ik Lijve Ikn T6he Messs Y7ou Axre 8 L9ve 8n ghe M3ss jou Arre 8I L9ive 8In gThe M3ess jYou Ae
I8 Li9ve I8n Tghe Me3ss Yjou Aer u Llve un rhe Mfss tou Ade uI Llive uIn rThe Mfess tYou Adre Iu Lilve Iun Trhe Mefss Ytou Arde Love Inn Mrss Yoou A4e
I Te Mress Yu A4re Liove In Teh Merss Yuo Ar4e Lkve Im Tje M4ss Yku Age Imn Tjhe M4ess Ykou Agre Likve Inm Thje Me4ss Yoku Arge
L8ve Ih Tue Mdss Y9u Ate L8ive Ihn Tuhe Mdess Y9ou Atre Li8ve Inh Thue Medss Yo9u Arte Luve Ij Tne Mwss Y0u A5e Luive Tnhe Mwess Y0ou A5re
Liuve Inj Thne Mewss Yo0u Ar5e

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