Mã³nica Naranjo
I Don't Wanna Take This

There's no reason to go on
Something deep inside has gone
And has changed our deep emotions

We had feelings you and me
But our love's not meant to be
And the magic ring has broken

Hear the sound of your guitar
Notes are coming from afar
Playing softly to your love talk

I've been up by all this game
And it's such a crying shame
But the music now is over

So many nights we sat together
But we're total strangers now
We try to speak
The words unspoken

And now I can't stand it anymore

I don't wanna take this fakin'
(Can't go breaking my heart like youwant)
I don't wanna take it, Make it
You can't spin me around, round your soul

Is that pity in your eyes
You look sad to me tonight
Where's the feel of sweet vibrations

I am closing down on you
Baby what I wouldn't do
Not to lose imagination

So many nights we sat together
But we're total strangers now
We try to speak
The words unspoken
And now I can't stand it anymore

I don't wanna take this fakin'
(Can't go breaking my heart like youwant)
I don't wanna take it, Make it
You can't spin me around, round your soul

Even if you keep on saying 'don't let go'
Leave decisions till tomorrow
My heart says I have to listen to your heart
But I don't want to more
No I don't want, no I don't want, 'cause

I don't wanna take this
Spin me around, round your soul
I don't wanna take it, make it
You can't play with my heart and my soul

Mirror lyrics:

You can't play with my heart and my soul
I don't wanna take it, make it
Spin me around, round your soul
I don't wanna take this

No I don't want, no I don't want, 'cause
But I don't want to more
My heart says I have to listen to your heart
Leave decisions till tomorrow
Even if you keep on saying 'don't let go'

You can't spin me around, round your soul
I don't wanna take it, Make it
(Can't go breaking my heart like youwant)
I don't wanna take this fakin'

And now I can't stand it anymore
The words unspoken
We try to speak
But we're total strangers now
So many nights we sat together

Not to lose imagination
Baby what I wouldn't do
I am closing down on you

Where's the feel of sweet vibrations
You look sad to me tonight
Is that pity in your eyes

You can't spin me around, round your soul
I don't wanna take it, Make it
(Can't go breaking my heart like youwant)
I don't wanna take this fakin'

And now I can't stand it anymore

The words unspoken
We try to speak
But we're total strangers now
So many nights we sat together

But the music now is over
And it's such a crying shame
I've been up by all this game

Playing softly to your love talk
Notes are coming from afar
Hear the sound of your guitar

And the magic ring has broken
But our love's not meant to be
We had feelings you and me

And has changed our deep emotions
Something deep inside has gone
There's no reason to go on

Relevant Tags:
II DDon't WWanna TTake TThis on't anna ake his I oDn't aWnna aTke hTis j xon't aanna fake fhis jI xDon't aWanna fTake fThis Ij Dxon't Waanna Tfake Tfhis
9 eon't 3anna 5ake 5his 9I eDon't 3Wanna 5Take 5This I9 Deon't W3anna T5ake T5his l fon't danna hake hhis lI fDon't dWanna hTake hThis Il Dfon't Wdanna Thake Thhis
o ron't eanna yake yhis oI rDon't eWanna yTake yThis Io Dron't Weanna Tyake Tyhis k con't sanna 6ake 6his kI cDon't sWanna 6Take 6This Ik Dcon't Wsanna T6ake T6his
8 son't 2anna gake ghis 8I sDon't 2Wanna gTake gThis I8 Dson't W2anna Tgake Tghis u Doon't qanna rake rhis uI Dn't qWanna rTake rThis Iu Dno't Wqanna Trake Trhis
Dkn't Taake Dkon't Wnna Tke Tis Dokn't Wnana Tkae Tihs D9n't Wznna Tzke Tjis D9on't Wzanna Tzake Tjhis Do9n't Waznna Tazke Thjis
D0n't Wqnna Tqke Tuis D0on't Tqake Tuhis Do0n't Waqnna Taqke Thuis Dln't Wsnna Tske Tnis Dlon't Tsake Tnhis Doln't Wasnna Taske Thnis
Din't Wwnna Twke Tbis Dion't Wwanna Twake Tbhis Doin't Wawnna Tawke Thbis Donn't Wxnna Txke Tgis Do't Wxanna Txake Do'nt Waxnna Taxke Thgis
Dom't Wannna Takke Tyis

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