Mumford & Sons
White Blank Page

Can you lie next to her
And give her your heart, your heart
As well as your body
And can you lie next to her
And confess your love, your love
As well as your folly
And can you kneel before the king
And say I'm clean, I'm clean

But tell me now, where was my fault
In loving you with my whole heart
Oh tell me now, where was my fault
In loving you with my whole heart

A white blank page and a swelling rage, rage
You did not think when you sent me to the brink, the brink
You desired my attention but denied my affections, my affections


Lead me to the truth and I will follow you with my whole life
Lead me to the truth and I will follow you with my whole lie

Mirror lyrics:

Lead me to the truth and I will follow you with my whole lie
Lead me to the truth and I will follow you with my whole life


You desired my attention but denied my affections, my affections
You did not think when you sent me to the brink, the brink
A white blank page and a swelling rage, rage

In loving you with my whole heart
Oh tell me now, where was my fault
In loving you with my whole heart
But tell me now, where was my fault

And say I'm clean, I'm clean
And can you kneel before the king
As well as your folly
And confess your love, your love
And can you lie next to her
As well as your body
And give her your heart, your heart
Can you lie next to her

Relevant Tags:
WWhite BBlank PPage hite lank age hWite lBank aPge ahite vlank 0age aWhite vBlank 0Page Wahite Bvlank P0age 3hite glank lage
3White gBlank lPage W3hite Bglank Plage dhite nlank oage dWhite nBlank oPage Wdhite Bnlank Poage ehite hlank Paage eWhite hBlank Pge
Wehite Bhlank Pgae shite Bllank Pzge sWhite Bank Pzage Wshite Balnk Pazge 2hite Bkank Pqge 2White Bklank Pqage W2hite Blkank Paqge
qhite Boank Psge qWhite Bolank Psage Wqhite Bloank Pasge Whhite Bpank Pwge Wite Bplank Pwage Wihte Blpank Pawge Wjite Blaank Pxge
Wjhite Blnk Pxage Whjite Blnak Paxge Wuite Blznk Pagge Wuhite Blzank Pae Whuite Blaznk Paeg Wnite Blqnk Pahe Wnhite Blqank Pahge
Whnite Blaqnk Paghe Wbite Blsnk Paye Wbhite Blsank Payge Whbite Blasnk Pagye Wgite Blwnk Pabe Wghite Blwank Pabge Whgite Blawnk Pagbe
Wyite Blxnk Pave Wyhite Blxank Pavge Whyite Blaxnk Pagve Whiite Blannk Pafe Whte Blak Pafge Whtie Blakn Pagfe Whjte Blamk Pate
Blamnk Patge Whijte Blanmk Pagte Wh9te Blahk Pagee Wh9ite Blahnk Pag Whi9te Blanhk Page Whlte Blajk Pags Whlite Blajnk Pagse
Whilte Blanjk Pages

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