Not Falling

Always, known in, all my time
A little left of center now
Reflect as I realise
That all I need is to find the middle pillar
Path to sit like the sun by a
Star in the sky and just be
Sinners, casting stones at me

I...I stand, not crawling, not falling down
I...I bleed the demons that drag me down
I...I stand (For nothing)
Not crawling (The center)
Not falling down (Of calms within the eye)
I...I'll bleed (For no one)
The demons (But myself)
That pull me down (For me and no one else)

Goodbye, sunshine, I've put it out again, sad
I'm over, personalities, conflicting
I don't need you, or anyone else, but me
I'll just be, living my own life
I feel I'm glowing center grow, infecting
I feel alive
Shovel dirt over lime
Plant it in myself to sit like a seed under
Covers of Earth and just be
Sinners, pointing fingers at me

I...I stand (For nothing)
Not crawling (By myself)
Not falling down
I...I bleed (For no one)
The demons (But myself)
That drag me down
I...I stand (For nothing)
Not crawling (The center)
Not falling down (Of calms within the eye)
I...I'll bleed (For no one)
The demons (But myself)
That pull me down (For me and no one else)

Come play kill
Refuse my body, refuse my shadow
Stone cold will
Refuse to lead this, refuse to follow
Bitter pills
Refuse to feed this, refuse to swallow
I'm fueled Godless

Come play, come play
Just be, just be
Just be, just be
Just be, just be

I...I stand (For nothing)
Not crawling (By myself)
Not falling down
I...I bleed (For no one)
The demons (But myself)
That drag me down
I...I stand (For nothing)
Not crawling (The center)
Not falling down (Of calms within the eye)
I...I'll bleed (For no one)
The demons (But myself)
That drag me down (For me and no one else)

Mirror lyrics:

That drag me down (For me and no one else)
The demons (But myself)
I...I'll bleed (For no one)
Not falling down (Of calms within the eye)
Not crawling (The center)
I...I stand (For nothing)
That drag me down
The demons (But myself)
I...I bleed (For no one)
Not falling down
Not crawling (By myself)
I...I stand (For nothing)

Just be, just be
Just be, just be
Just be, just be
Come play, come play

I'm fueled Godless
Refuse to feed this, refuse to swallow
Bitter pills
Refuse to lead this, refuse to follow
Stone cold will
Refuse my body, refuse my shadow
Come play kill

That pull me down (For me and no one else)
The demons (But myself)
I...I'll bleed (For no one)
Not falling down (Of calms within the eye)
Not crawling (The center)
I...I stand (For nothing)
That drag me down
The demons (But myself)
I...I bleed (For no one)
Not falling down
Not crawling (By myself)
I...I stand (For nothing)

Sinners, pointing fingers at me
Covers of Earth and just be
Plant it in myself to sit like a seed under
Shovel dirt over lime
I feel alive
I feel I'm glowing center grow, infecting
I'll just be, living my own life
I don't need you, or anyone else, but me
I'm over, personalities, conflicting
Goodbye, sunshine, I've put it out again, sad

That pull me down (For me and no one else)
The demons (But myself)
I...I'll bleed (For no one)
Not falling down (Of calms within the eye)
Not crawling (The center)
I...I stand (For nothing)
I...I bleed the demons that drag me down
I...I stand, not crawling, not falling down

Sinners, casting stones at me
Star in the sky and just be
Path to sit like the sun by a
That all I need is to find the middle pillar
Reflect as I realise
A little left of center now
Always, known in, all my time

Relevant Tags:
NNot FFalling ot alling oNt aFlling mot calling mNot cFalling Nmot Fcalling hot ralling hNot rFalling Nhot Fralling jot galling
jNot gFalling Njot Fgalling bot talling bNot tFalling Nbot Ftalling Noot valling Nt vFalling Nto Fvalling Nkt dalling Nkot dFalling
Nokt Fdalling N9t Faalling N9ot Flling No9t Flaling N0t Fzlling N0ot Fzalling No0t Fazlling Nlt Fqlling Nlot Fqalling Nolt Faqlling
Nit Fslling Niot Fsalling Noit Faslling Nott Fwlling No Fwalling Not Fawlling Nof Fxlling Noft Fxalling Notf Faxlling No5 Fallling
No5t Faling Not5 Falling Noh Fakling Noht Faklling Noth Falkling Noy Faoling Noyt Faolling Noty Faloling No6 Fapling No6t Faplling
Not6 Falpling Nog Nogt Notg Falilng Nor Falking Nort

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