Naio Ssaion
Out Of The Great Book Of Fairy Tales

In a distant land
There lived a young boy
And Bluewhiteyellow was his name
He was born with one
One special gift indeed
It was making rainbows
Kind at heart like his father
His friend was summer wind

And he sang every time when
Somebody opened their heart
When he sang
The rainbow began
A million stars were up and shining
When something strange occured that night
It was an evil ghost
wanted to make him cry until forever
wanted to rule the world
With darkness in his eyes
And have it all
A million stars were up and shining
The storm had quietened down
The night had never been so still

Mirror lyrics:

The night had never been so still
The storm had quietened down
A million stars were up and shining
And have it all
With darkness in his eyes
wanted to rule the world
wanted to make him cry until forever
It was an evil ghost
When something strange occured that night
A million stars were up and shining
The rainbow began
When he sang
Somebody opened their heart
And he sang every time when

His friend was summer wind
Kind at heart like his father
It was making rainbows
One special gift indeed
He was born with one
And Bluewhiteyellow was his name
There lived a young boy
In a distant land

Relevant Tags:
OOut OOf TThe GGreat BBook OOf FFairy TTales ut f he reat ook f airy ales uOt fO hTe rGeat oBok fO aFiry aTles kut kf fhe hreat vook kf cairy fales
kOut kOf fThe hGreat vBook kOf cFairy fTales Okut Okf Tfhe Ghreat Bvook Okf Fcairy Tfales 9ut 9f 5he yreat gook 9f rairy 5ales 9Out 9Of 5The yGreat gBook 9Of rFairy 5Tales
O9ut O9f T5he Gyreat Bgook O9f Frairy T5ales 0ut 0f hhe breat nook 0f gairy hales 0Out 0Of hThe bGreat nBook 0Of gFairy hTales O0ut O0f Thhe Gbreat Bnook O0f Fgairy Thales
lut lf yhe vreat hook lf tairy yales lOut lOf yThe vGreat hBook lOf tFairy yTales Olut Olf Tyhe Gvreat Bhook Olf Ftairy Tyales iut if 6he freat Boook if vairy 6ales
iOut iOf 6The fGreat Bok iOf vFairy 6Tales Oiut Oif T6he Gfreat Book Oif Fvairy T6ales Ouut Off ghe treat Bkok Off dairy gales Ot O gThe tGreat Bkook O dFairy gTales
Otu Of Tghe Gtreat Bokok Of Fdairy Tgales Oht Oc rhe Grreat B9ok Oc Faairy rales Ohut Ocf rThe Geat B9ook Ocf Firy rTales Ouht Ofc Trhe Gerat Bo9ok Ofc Fiary Trales
O7t Or Gdeat B0ok Or Fziry Taales O7ut Orf Te Gdreat B0ook Orf Fzairy Tles Ou7t Ofr Teh Grdeat Bo0ok Ofr Faziry Tlaes Okt Og Tje G4eat Blok Og Fqiry Tzles
Ogf Tjhe G4reat Blook Ogf Fqairy Tzales Oukt Ofg Thje Gr4eat Bolok Ofg Faqiry Tazles Oit Ot Tue Ggeat Biok Ot Fsiry Tqles Otf Tuhe Ggreat Biook Otf Fsairy Tqales
Ouit Oft Thue Grgeat Boiok Oft Fasiry Taqles O8t Ov Tne Gteat Ov Fwiry Tsles O8ut Ovf Tnhe Ovf Fwairy Tsales Ou8t Ofv Thne Grteat Boko Ofv Fawiry Tasles
Ojt Od Tbe G5eat Bokk Od Fxiry Twles Ojut Odf Tbhe G5reat Odf Fxairy Twales Oujt Ofd Thbe Gr5eat Bookk Ofd Faxiry Tawles Oyt Tge Gfeat Bo9k Faiiry Txles
Oyut Fary Txales Ouyt Thge Grfeat Boo9k Fariy Taxles Outt Tye Geeat Bo0k Fajry Talles Ou Gereat Fajiry Taes
Out Thye Greeat Boo0k Faijry Taels Ouf Thee Bolk Fa9ry Takes Ouft Th Grat Fa9iry Takles Outf The Graet Boolk Fai9ry Talkes
Ou5 Ths Grsat Boik Falry Taoes Ou5t Thse Grseat Faliry Taoles Out5 Thes Gresat Booik Failry Taloes Ouh Th3 Gr3at Faory Tapes
Th3e Gr3eat Boo Faoiry Taples Outh The3 Gre3at Faiory Talpes Ouy Thf Grfat Bool Fakry Talees

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