Black God Aftermath

Droning winds sang my name in choirs so silent and grievous
Imploring me to awaken, to enlighten my moonlit eyes
Famished, grinning in pain, branded stiff by those scorching rays
In vicious grief these tears I shed, when beholding my fallen realm
In shadows entangled, in solitude I mourn
Cold hymns of obedience engulves my resurrected soul
Feed me... fill my lungs with the souls of the sacrificed ones
Worship... call for the black god aftermath, call for my return
Aftermath... call for my return!
As the son of the elders I'll see
As a descendant of the dark breeds the hate I feel
Only my own cries of vengeance I hear
Obey, speak my name! Bow before me...
I'm the one who'll stand by the throne
Of fire born with darkness within
Behold my call for this night that soon shall fall...
Raising the chalice for the black god aftermath, to it's glory and grace
Bring the damned souls into me, bring the virgin's blood to invoke me!
Hear my hunger, listen to the nocturnal preaching of mine
Shadow wings embrace the earth, lay the land forever in dusk
Unveil me, the faceless one... The one forlorn and once dethroned
Let my gimness be unleashed, set free the holocaust with me
Cold humns of obediance unchains my wrath upon the earth
Arrival... the birth of an era obscured by sulphur and flames
Aftermath... call for my return!
Now brimstone fills the black nights, since aeons riding these winds
Still, the black god aftermath prevails

Mirror lyrics:

Still, the black god aftermath prevails
Now brimstone fills the black nights, since aeons riding these winds
Aftermath... call for my return!
Arrival... the birth of an era obscured by sulphur and flames
Cold humns of obediance unchains my wrath upon the earth
Let my gimness be unleashed, set free the holocaust with me
Unveil me, the faceless one... The one forlorn and once dethroned
Shadow wings embrace the earth, lay the land forever in dusk
Hear my hunger, listen to the nocturnal preaching of mine
Bring the damned souls into me, bring the virgin's blood to invoke me!
Raising the chalice for the black god aftermath, to it's glory and grace
Behold my call for this night that soon shall fall...
Of fire born with darkness within
I'm the one who'll stand by the throne
Obey, speak my name! Bow before me...
Only my own cries of vengeance I hear
As a descendant of the dark breeds the hate I feel
As the son of the elders I'll see
Aftermath... call for my return!
Worship... call for the black god aftermath, call for my return
Feed me... fill my lungs with the souls of the sacrificed ones
Cold hymns of obedience engulves my resurrected soul
In shadows entangled, in solitude I mourn
In vicious grief these tears I shed, when beholding my fallen realm
Famished, grinning in pain, branded stiff by those scorching rays
Imploring me to awaken, to enlighten my moonlit eyes
Droning winds sang my name in choirs so silent and grievous

Relevant Tags:
BBlack GGod AAftermath lack od ftermath lBack oGd fAtermath vlack hod zftermath vBlack hGod zAftermath Bvlack Ghod Azftermath
glack yod qftermath gBlack yGod qAftermath Bglack Gyod Aqftermath nlack bod sftermath nBlack bGod sAftermath Bnlack Gbod Asftermath
hlack vod wftermath hBlack vGod wAftermath Bhlack Gvod Awftermath Bllack fod xftermath Back fGod xAftermath Balck Gfod Axftermath
Bkack tod Afftermath Bklack tGod Atermath Blkack Gtod Atfermath Boack Good Actermath Bolack Gd Acftermath Bloack Gdo Afctermath
Bpack Gkd Artermath Bplack Gkod Arftermath Blpack Gokd Afrtermath Blaack G9d Agtermath Blck G9od Agftermath Blcak Go9d Afgtermath
Blzck G0d Attermath Blzack G0od Atftermath Blazck Go0d Afttermath Blqck Gld Avtermath Blqack Glod Avftermath Blaqck Gold Afvtermath
Blsck Gid Adtermath Blsack Giod Adftermath Blasck Goid Afdtermath Blwck Godd Blwack Go Afermath Blawck God Afetrmath
Blxck Gox Affermath Blxack Goxd Blaxck Godx Aftfermath Blacck Goe Af5ermath Blak Goed Af5termath Blakc Gode Aft5ermath
Blafk Gof Afhermath Blafck Gofd Afhtermath Blacfk Godf Afthermath Blaxk Gor Afyermath Gord Afytermath Blacxk Godr Aftyermath
Blavk Goc Af6ermath Blavck Gocd Af6termath Blacvk Godc Aft6ermath Bladk Gos Afgermath Bladck Gosd Blacdk Gods Aftgermath
Blackk Afrermath Blac Black Aftrermath Blacl Afteermath Blaclk Aftrmath Blackl Aftremath
Blaco Aftsrmath Blacok Aftsermath Blacko Aftesrmath Blacm Aft3rmath Blacmk Aft3ermath Blackm Afte3rmath
Blacj Aftfrmath Blacjk Blackj Aftefrmath Blaci Aftrrmath Blacik Blacki Afterrmath
Aft4rmath Aft4ermath Afte4rmath Aftdrmath Aftdermath Aftedrmath
Aftwrmath Aftwermath

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