Christmas Isn't Christmas (since You Said Goodbye)

I could open one hundred presents
Underneath the Christmas Tree
But you know that's not the essence
Of what Christmas means to me
And my tears are falling harder
Than the snowflakes from the sky
Because Christmas isn't Christmas
Since You Said Goodbye

I've been asked to lots of parties
To celebrate the season
But what's the sense if you're not there
I can't find a reason
I'd rather spend Christmas night at home
pretending you are near
'Cause Christmas isn't Christmas
Since you said goodbye

I've seen the Christmas fires burning
And the houses filled w/ laughter
Why can't we hold each other
And have our happily ever after?
Why should a word or two of anger
Break two hearts apart
'Cause we can build our dreams again
This Christmas we can start

I've tried to send you letters
And to call you on the phone
Nothing seems to make things better
I'm left crying here alone
I've seen so many lovers
Seal a Christmas love forever
But my Christmas isn't Christmas
Since you said goodbye

Christmas isn't Christmas
Since you said goodbye

Mirror lyrics:

Since you said goodbye
Christmas isn't Christmas

Since you said goodbye
But my Christmas isn't Christmas
Seal a Christmas love forever
I've seen so many lovers
I'm left crying here alone
Nothing seems to make things better
And to call you on the phone
I've tried to send you letters

This Christmas we can start
'Cause we can build our dreams again
Break two hearts apart
Why should a word or two of anger
And have our happily ever after?
Why can't we hold each other
And the houses filled w/ laughter
I've seen the Christmas fires burning

Since you said goodbye
'Cause Christmas isn't Christmas
pretending you are near
I'd rather spend Christmas night at home
I can't find a reason
But what's the sense if you're not there
To celebrate the season
I've been asked to lots of parties

Since You Said Goodbye
Because Christmas isn't Christmas
Than the snowflakes from the sky
And my tears are falling harder
Of what Christmas means to me
But you know that's not the essence
Underneath the Christmas Tree
I could open one hundred presents

Relevant Tags:
CChristmas IIsn't CChristmas ((since YYou SSaid GGoodbye) hristmas sn't hristmas since ou aid oodbye)
hCristmas sIn't hCristmas s(ince oYu aSid oGodbye) fhristmas jsn't fhristmas (ssince gou zaid hoodbye)
fChristmas jIsn't fChristmas (ince gYou zSaid hGoodbye) Cfhristmas Ijsn't Cfhristmas (isnce Ygou Szaid Ghoodbye)
xhristmas 9sn't xhristmas (zince hou waid yoodbye) xChristmas 9Isn't xChristmas (zsince hYou wSaid yGoodbye)
Cxhristmas I9sn't Cxhristmas (szince Yhou Swaid Gyoodbye) vhristmas lsn't vhristmas (wince 6ou daid boodbye)
vChristmas lIsn't vChristmas (wsince 6You dSaid bGoodbye) Cvhristmas Ilsn't Cvhristmas (swince Y6ou Sdaid Gboodbye)
dhristmas osn't dhristmas (dince uou eaid voodbye) dChristmas oIsn't dChristmas (dsince uYou eSaid vGoodbye)
Cdhristmas Iosn't Cdhristmas (sdince Yuou Seaid Gvoodbye) Chhristmas ksn't Chhristmas (eince 7ou xaid foodbye)
Cristmas kIsn't Cristmas (esince 7You xSaid fGoodbye) Crhistmas Iksn't Crhistmas (seince Y7ou Sxaid Gfoodbye)
Cjristmas 8sn't Cjristmas (xince jou aaid toodbye) Cjhristmas 8Isn't Cjhristmas (xsince jYou aSaid tGoodbye)
Chjristmas I8sn't Chjristmas (sxince Yjou Saaid Gtoodbye) Curistmas usn't Curistmas (aince tou Gooodbye)
Cuhristmas uIsn't Cuhristmas (asince tYou Sid Godbye) Churistmas Iusn't Churistmas (saince Ytou Siad Goodbye)
Cnristmas Issn't Cnristmas (siince Yoou Szid Gkodbye) Cnhristmas In't Cnhristmas (snce Yu Gkoodbye)
Chnristmas Ins't Chnristmas (snice Yuo Sazid Gokodbye) Cbristmas Izn't Cbristmas (sjnce Yku Sqid G9odbye)
Cbhristmas Izsn't Cbhristmas (sjince Ykou Sqaid G9oodbye) Chbristmas Iszn't Chbristmas (sijnce Yoku Saqid Go9odbye)
Cgristmas Iwn't Cgristmas (s9nce Y9u Ssid G0odbye) Cghristmas Iwsn't Cghristmas (s9ince Y9ou Ssaid G0oodbye)
Chgristmas Iswn't Chgristmas (si9nce Yo9u Sasid Go0odbye) Cyristmas Idn't Cyristmas (slnce Y0u Swid Glodbye)
Cyhristmas Idsn't Cyhristmas (slince Y0ou Gloodbye) Chyristmas Isdn't Chyristmas (silnce Yo0u Sawid Golodbye)
Chrristmas Ien't Chrristmas (sonce Ylu Sxid Giodbye) Chistmas Iesn't Chistmas (soince Ylou Gioodbye)
Chirstmas Isen't Chirstmas (sionce Yolu Saxid Goiodbye) Chdistmas Ixn't Chdistmas (sknce Yiu Saiid
Chdristmas Ixsn't Chdristmas (skince Yiou Sad Chrdistmas Isxn't Chrdistmas (siknce Yoiu Sadi Godobye)
Ch4istmas Ian't Ch4istmas (s8nce Youu Sajd Gokdbye) Ch4ristmas Iasn't Ch4ristmas (s8ince Yo Sajid
Chr4istmas Isan't Chr4istmas (si8nce You Saijd Gookdbye) Chgistmas Isnn't Chgistmas (sunce Yoh Sa9d Go9dbye)
Is't (suince Yohu Sa9id Chrgistmas Is'nt Chrgistmas (siunce Youh Sai9d Goo9dbye)
Chtistmas Ism't Chtistmas (sinnce Yo7 Sald Go0dbye) Chtristmas Ismn't Chtristmas (sice Yo7u Salid
Chrtistmas Isnm't Chrtistmas (sicne You7 Saild Goo0dbye) Ch5istmas Ish't Ch5istmas (simce Yok Saod Goldbye)
Ch5ristmas Ishn't Ch5ristmas (simnce Saoid Chr5istmas Isnh't Chr5istmas (sinmce Youk Saiod Gooldbye)
Chfistmas Isj't Chfistmas (sihce Yoi Sakd Goidbye) Chfristmas Isjn't Chfristmas (sihnce Sakid
Chrfistmas Isnj't Chrfistmas (sinhce Youi Saikd Gooidbye) Cheistmas Isb't Cheistmas (sijce Yo8 Sa8d Gooddbye)
Cheristmas Isbn't Cheristmas Yo8u Sa8id Goobye) Chreistmas Isnb't Chreistmas (sinjce You8 Sai8d Goobdye)

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