Nanci Griffith
Tecumseh Valley

The name she gave was Caroline
Daughter of a miner
And her ways were free
It seemed to me
The sunshine walked beside her

She came to Spencer
Across the hill
She said he Pa had sent her
'Cause the coal was low
And soon the snow
Would turn the skies to winter

She said she's come
To look for work
She was not seeking favors
And for a dime a day
And a place to stay
She'd turn those hands to labor

But the times were hard Lord
The jobs were few
All through Tecumseh Valley
But she asked around
And a job she found
Tending bar at Gypsy Sally's

She saved enough to get back home
When spring replaced the winter
But her dreams were denied
Her Pa had died
The word come down from Spencer

So she turned a whorin' out on the streets
With all the lust inside her
And it was many a man
Returned again
To lay himself beside her

They found her down beneath the stairs
That led to Gypsy Sally's
In her hand when she died
Was a note that cried
Fare thee well...Tecumseh Valley

Repeat first verse

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat first verse

Fare thee well...Tecumseh Valley
Was a note that cried
In her hand when she died
That led to Gypsy Sally's
They found her down beneath the stairs

To lay himself beside her
Returned again
And it was many a man
With all the lust inside her
So she turned a whorin' out on the streets

The word come down from Spencer
Her Pa had died
But her dreams were denied
When spring replaced the winter
She saved enough to get back home

Tending bar at Gypsy Sally's
And a job she found
But she asked around
All through Tecumseh Valley
The jobs were few
But the times were hard Lord

She'd turn those hands to labor
And a place to stay
And for a dime a day
She was not seeking favors
To look for work
She said she's come

Would turn the skies to winter
And soon the snow
'Cause the coal was low
She said he Pa had sent her
Across the hill
She came to Spencer

The sunshine walked beside her
It seemed to me
And her ways were free
Daughter of a miner
The name she gave was Caroline

Relevant Tags:
TTecumseh VValley ecumseh alley eTcumseh aVlley fecumseh balley fTecumseh bValley Tfecumseh Vballey 5ecumseh calley
5Tecumseh cValley T5ecumseh Vcalley hecumseh galley hTecumseh gValley Thecumseh Vgalley yecumseh falley yTecumseh fValley
Tyecumseh Vfalley 6ecumseh Vaalley 6Tecumseh Vlley T6ecumseh Vlaley gecumseh Vzlley gTecumseh Vzalley Tgecumseh Vazlley
recumseh Vqlley rTecumseh Vqalley Trecumseh Vaqlley Teecumseh Vslley Tcumseh Vsalley Tceumseh Vaslley Tscumseh Vwlley
Tsecumseh Vwalley Tescumseh Vawlley T3cumseh Vxlley T3ecumseh Vxalley Te3cumseh Vaxlley Tfcumseh Vallley Valey
Tefcumseh Valley Trcumseh Vakley Vaklley Tercumseh Valkley T4cumseh Vaoley T4ecumseh Vaolley Te4cumseh Valoley
Tdcumseh Vapley Tdecumseh Vaplley Tedcumseh Valpley Twcumseh Twecumseh Tewcumseh Valely Teccumseh Valkey
Teumseh Teucmseh Vallkey Tefumseh Valoey Tecfumseh Valloey Texumseh Valpey Texcumseh Tecxumseh Vallpey
Tevumseh Valleey Tevcumseh Vally Tecvumseh Vallye Tedumseh Vallsy Vallsey Tecdumseh Vallesy Tecuumseh Vall3y
Tecmseh Vall3ey Tecmuseh Valle3y Techmseh Vallfy Techumseh Vallfey Tecuhmseh Vallefy Tec7mseh Vallry Tec7umseh Vallrey
Tecu7mseh Vallery Teckmseh Vall4y Teckumseh Vall4ey Tecukmseh Valle4y Tecimseh Valldy Teciumseh Valldey Tecuimseh Valledy

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