Nanci Griffith
Ghost In The Music

Down at the station the tracks are cold

The wheels of thunder, they roll no more

And the heart of America cries for the souls

Who won't be rollin' home

The dragon weeps with empty eyes

The whistle sigh's no more in the night

It rests in the lines like a ghost in the music

The soul of America's pride

The toil of our fathers with foreign hands

They laid the tracks and they opened the plains

They fought the mountains and they merged our seas

They set America free

Tell me, where is the blaze of the hobo's cauldron?

The refuge for these poor and these fallen?

While it rests in the lines like a ghost in the music

The soul of America's pride

Foreign father, American son

Father see what your son has done

He's torn up the mountains and reshaped the plains

The dreams he dreams aren't the same

To the fallen ones who may still be askin'

"Who'd take time to stir these ashes

And who'd hear the lines of a ghost in the music

And kindle America's pride?"

Tell me, where is the blaze of the hobo's cauldron?

The refuge for these poor and these fallen?

While it rests in the lines, like a ghost in the music

The soul of America's pride

Mirror lyrics:

The soul of America's pride

While it rests in the lines, like a ghost in the music

The refuge for these poor and these fallen?

Tell me, where is the blaze of the hobo's cauldron?

And kindle America's pride?"

And who'd hear the lines of a ghost in the music

"Who'd take time to stir these ashes

To the fallen ones who may still be askin'

The dreams he dreams aren't the same

He's torn up the mountains and reshaped the plains

Father see what your son has done

Foreign father, American son

The soul of America's pride

While it rests in the lines like a ghost in the music

The refuge for these poor and these fallen?

Tell me, where is the blaze of the hobo's cauldron?

They set America free

They fought the mountains and they merged our seas

They laid the tracks and they opened the plains

The toil of our fathers with foreign hands

The soul of America's pride

It rests in the lines like a ghost in the music

The whistle sigh's no more in the night

The dragon weeps with empty eyes

Who won't be rollin' home

And the heart of America cries for the souls

The wheels of thunder, they roll no more

Down at the station the tracks are cold

Relevant Tags:
GGhost IIn TThe MMusic host n he usic hGost nI hTe uMsic hhost jn fhe jusic hGhost jIn fThe jMusic Ghhost Ijn Tfhe Mjusic
yhost 9n 5he kusic yGhost 9In 5The kMusic Gyhost I9n T5he Mkusic bhost ln hhe nusic bGhost lIn hThe nMusic Gbhost Iln Thhe Mnusic
vhost on yhe Muusic vGhost oIn yThe Msic Gvhost Ion Tyhe Msuic fhost kn 6he Mhsic fGhost kIn 6The Mhusic Gfhost Ikn T6he Muhsic
thost 8n ghe M7sic tGhost 8In gThe M7usic Gthost I8n Tghe Mu7sic un rhe Mksic Gost uIn rThe Gohst Iun Trhe Muksic
Gjost Inn Misic Gjhost I Te Miusic Ghjost In Teh Muisic Guost Im Tje M8sic Guhost Imn Tjhe M8usic Ghuost Inm Thje Mu8sic
Gnost Ih Tue Mjsic Gnhost Ihn Tuhe Ghnost Inh Thue Mujsic Gbost Ij Tne Mysic Tnhe Myusic Ghbost Inj Thne Muysic
Ggost Ib Tbe Mussic Gghost Ibn Tbhe Muic Ghgost Inb Thbe Muisc Gyost Tge Muzic Muzsic Ghyost Thge Muszic
Ghoost Tye Muwic Ghst Muwsic Ghsot Thye Muswic Ghkst Thee Mudic Ghkost Th Mudsic Ghokst The Musdic
Gh9st Ths Mueic Gh9ost Thse Muesic Gho9st Thes Museic

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