Nana Mouskouri
Till The Rivers All Run Dry

Till the rivers all run dry
Till the sun falls from the sky
Till life on earth is through
I'll be needing you

I know sometimes you may wonder
From things that I might say and do
But there's no need for you to wonder
If I need you, cause I'll need you

Too many times I don't tell you
So many things get in the way
And even though sometimes I've hurt you
Still you show me in every way
(Refrain - 2x)

Mirror lyrics:

(Refrain - 2x)
Still you show me in every way
And even though sometimes I've hurt you
So many things get in the way
Too many times I don't tell you

If I need you, cause I'll need you
But there's no need for you to wonder
From things that I might say and do
I know sometimes you may wonder

I'll be needing you
Till life on earth is through
Till the sun falls from the sky
Till the rivers all run dry

Relevant Tags:
TTill TThe RRivers AAll RRun DDry ill he ivers ll un ry iTll hTe iRvers lAl uRn rDy fill fhe divers zll dun xry fTill fThe dRivers zAll dRun xDry
Tfill Tfhe Rdivers Azll Rdun Dxry 5ill 5he 4ivers qll 4un ery 5Till 5The 4Rivers qAll 4Run eDry T5ill T5he R4ivers Aqll R4un Dery hill hhe givers sll gun fry
hTill hThe gRivers sAll gRun fDry Thill Thhe Rgivers Asll Rgun Dfry yill yhe tivers wll tun rry yTill yThe tRivers wAll tRun rDry Tyill Tyhe Rtivers Awll Rtun Drry
6ill 6he 5ivers xll 5un cry 6Till 6The 5Rivers xAll 5Run cDry T6ill T6he R5ivers Axll R5un Dcry gill ghe fivers Alll fun sry gTill gThe fRivers Al fRun sDry
Tgill Tghe Rfivers All Rfun Dsry rill rhe eivers Akl eun rTill rThe eRivers Akll eRun Dy Trill Trhe Reivers Alkl Reun Dyr Tiill Riivers Aol Ruun Ddy
Tll Te Rvers Aoll Rn Ddry Tlil Teh Rviers Alol Rnu Drdy Tjll Tje Rjvers Apl Rhn D4y Tjill Tjhe Rjivers Apll Rhun D4ry Tijll Thje Rijvers Alpl Ruhn Dr4y
T9ll Tue R9vers R7n Dgy T9ill Tuhe R9ivers R7un Dgry Ti9ll Thue Ri9vers Ru7n Drgy Tlll Tne Rlvers Alk Rkn Dty Tlill Tnhe Rlivers Rkun Dtry
Tilll Thne Rilvers Allk Rukn Drty Toll Tbe Rovers Alo Rin D5y Toill Tbhe Roivers Riun D5ry Tioll Thbe Riovers Allo Ruin Dr5y Tkll Tge Rkvers Alp R8n Dfy
Tkill Rkivers R8un Tikll Thge Rikvers Allp Ru8n Drfy T8ll Tye R8vers Rjn Dey T8ill R8ivers Rjun Ti8ll Thye Ri8vers Rujn Drey
Tull Thee Ruvers Ryn Dryy Tuill Th Ruivers Ryun Dr Tiull The Riuvers Ruyn Dry Ths Rivvers Runn Drg Til Thse Riers Ru
Till Thes Rievrs Run Dryg Tikl Th3 Ribers Rum Drh Th3e Ribvers Rumn Drhy Tilkl The3 Rivbers Runm Dryh Tiol Thf Ricers Ruh Dr6
Thfe Ricvers Dr6y Tilol Thef Rivcers Runh Dry6 Tipl Thr Rigers Ruj Dru Tipll Thre Rigvers Druy Tilpl Ther Rivgers Runj Dryu
Th4 Rifers Rub Dr7 Th4e Rifvers Rubn Dr7y

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