Nancy Lamott
Listen To My Heart

Here we are, you and I at last.
in the right place, at the right time.
Every dream I've dreamed have come to pass,
cause you're right here, and your all mine.
I can't believe the years of holding back are through.
And I can finally share what's in my heart, with you...
Listen, listen.
Listen to my heart, listen to it sing.
Listen to my voice, it wants to tell you everything.
There's so much to say, I don't know where to start.
But if you want to know the love I'm feeling,
listen to my heart.
All my life, I've been on a road.
Going one way, toward one dream.
The road would wind, and down it I would go.
Always searching, never finding.
But even in my darkest hour I always knew that
someday, somehow, the road would lead to you.
And words can't express how my heart's filled with
happiness. Listen to it.
Listen to my heart, listen to it sing.
Listen to my voice, it wants to tell you everything.
Listen to my song, listen to it soar.
I've waited all my life for this one moment.
I'm not waiting anymore.
Listen to my heart, as it cries for all the years
that it was lonely.
Listen to my heart, as it smiles to know that now,
after so long, I can finally sing my song.
And you're here, and you're listening, you're listening.
Listen to my voice, as it will tell you everything.
All about a life that's just about to start.
For if you want to know how much I love you,
listen to my heart. Listen to my heart.

Mirror lyrics:

listen to my heart. Listen to my heart.
For if you want to know how much I love you,
All about a life that's just about to start.
Listen to my voice, as it will tell you everything.
And you're here, and you're listening, you're listening.
after so long, I can finally sing my song.
Listen to my heart, as it smiles to know that now,
that it was lonely.
Listen to my heart, as it cries for all the years
I'm not waiting anymore.
I've waited all my life for this one moment.
Listen to my song, listen to it soar.
Listen to my voice, it wants to tell you everything.
Listen to my heart, listen to it sing.
happiness. Listen to it.
And words can't express how my heart's filled with
someday, somehow, the road would lead to you.
But even in my darkest hour I always knew that
Always searching, never finding.
The road would wind, and down it I would go.
Going one way, toward one dream.
All my life, I've been on a road.
listen to my heart.
But if you want to know the love I'm feeling,
There's so much to say, I don't know where to start.
Listen to my voice, it wants to tell you everything.
Listen to my heart, listen to it sing.
Listen, listen.
And I can finally share what's in my heart, with you...
I can't believe the years of holding back are through.
cause you're right here, and your all mine.
Every dream I've dreamed have come to pass,
in the right place, at the right time.
Here we are, you and I at last.

Relevant Tags:
LListen TTo MMy HHeart isten o y eart iLsten oT yM eHart kisten fo jy jeart kListen fTo jMy jHeart Lkisten Tfo Mjy Hjeart
oisten 5o ky ueart oListen 5To kMy uHeart Loisten T5o Mky Hueart pisten ho ny neart pListen hTo nMy nHeart Lpisten Tho Mny Hneart
Liisten yo Myy beart Lsten yTo M bHeart Lsiten Tyo My Hbeart Ljsten 6o Mg geart Ljisten 6To Mgy gHeart Lijsten T6o Myg Hgeart
L9sten go Mh yeart L9isten gTo Mhy yHeart Li9sten Tgo Myh Hyeart Llsten ro M6 Heeart Llisten rTo M6y Hart Lilsten Tro My6 Haert
Losten Too Mu Hsart T Muy Hseart Liosten To Myu Hesart Lksten Tk M7 H3art Tko M7y H3eart Liksten Tok My7 He3art
L8sten T9 Mj Hfart L8isten T9o Hfeart Li8sten To9 Myj Hefart Lusten T0 Mt Hrart Luisten T0o Mty Hreart Liusten To0 Myt Herart
Lissten Tl H4art Liten Tlo H4eart Litsen Tol He4art Lizten Ti Hdart Lizsten Tio Hdeart Liszten Toi Hedart
Liwten Hwart Liwsten Hweart Liswten Hewart Lidten Heaart Lidsten Hert Lisdten Herat
Lieten Hezrt Liesten Hezart Liseten Heazrt Lixten Heqrt Lixsten Heqart Lisxten Heaqrt
Liaten Hesrt Liasten Lisaten Heasrt Listten Hewrt

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