The Secrets That You Keep

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
The secrets that you keep.

I've only got myself to blame.
I played a losing game.
I lie awake and call your name
All I own is just a picture in a brocken frame
It seemed so hard for me to share
It's even harder now that you're not there (now baby)

I'm losing sleep over the secrets that you keep
(Oh baby)
I'm losing sleep
over the secrets that you keep.
I lie awake at night not knowing where you are
You know it don't seem right that you could be so far away from me.
Oh oh the secrets that you keep

Since you've been gone our worlds have grown apart.
Now I don't know what's in your head or in your heart.
Those little things you kept so secretly.
They don't mean much to you but
they mean so much to me.

So won't you give me just one more chance.
I'm the fool who broke up our romance.
We used to have so many plans
and then I went and let you slip right through my hands.
I'll go on searching 'til I find
a way to get you back and make you mine (until then)


I'm losing sleep over the secrets that you keep
I'm losing sleep over the secrets that you keep
I'm losing sleep over the secrets that you keep
I'm losing sleep over the secrets that you keep
repeat to fade

Mirror lyrics:

repeat to fade
I'm losing sleep over the secrets that you keep
I'm losing sleep over the secrets that you keep
I'm losing sleep over the secrets that you keep
I'm losing sleep over the secrets that you keep


a way to get you back and make you mine (until then)
I'll go on searching 'til I find
and then I went and let you slip right through my hands.
We used to have so many plans
I'm the fool who broke up our romance.
So won't you give me just one more chance.

they mean so much to me.
They don't mean much to you but
Those little things you kept so secretly.
Now I don't know what's in your head or in your heart.
Since you've been gone our worlds have grown apart.

Oh oh the secrets that you keep
You know it don't seem right that you could be so far away from me.
I lie awake at night not knowing where you are
over the secrets that you keep.
I'm losing sleep
(Oh baby)
I'm losing sleep over the secrets that you keep

It's even harder now that you're not there (now baby)
It seemed so hard for me to share
All I own is just a picture in a brocken frame
I lie awake and call your name
I played a losing game.
I've only got myself to blame.

The secrets that you keep.
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Relevant Tags:
TThe SSecrets TThat YYou KKeep he ecrets hat ou eep hTe eScrets hTat oYu eKep fhe zecrets fhat gou leep fThe zSecrets fThat gYou lKeep
Tfhe Szecrets Tfhat Ygou Kleep 5he wecrets 5hat hou oeep 5The wSecrets 5That hYou oKeep T5he Swecrets T5hat Yhou Koeep hhe decrets hhat 6ou meep
hThe dSecrets hThat 6You mKeep Thhe Sdecrets Thhat Y6ou Kmeep yhe eecrets yhat uou jeep yThe eSecrets yThat uYou jKeep Tyhe Seecrets Tyhat Yuou Kjeep
6he xecrets 6hat 7ou ieep 6The xSecrets 6That 7You iKeep T6he Sxecrets T6hat Y7ou Kieep ghe aecrets ghat jou Keeep gThe aSecrets gThat jYou Kep
Tghe Saecrets Tghat Yjou Keep rhe rhat tou Ksep rThe Screts rThat tYou Kseep Trhe Scerets Trhat Ytou Kesep Sscrets Yoou K3ep
Te Ssecrets Tat Yu K3eep Teh Sescrets Taht Yuo Ke3ep Tje S3crets Tjat Yku Kfep Tjhe S3ecrets Tjhat Ykou Kfeep Thje Se3crets Thjat Yoku Kefep
Tue Sfcrets Tuat Y9u Krep Tuhe Sfecrets Tuhat Y9ou Kreep Thue Sefcrets Thuat Yo9u Kerep Tne Srcrets Tnat Y0u K4ep Tnhe Srecrets Tnhat Y0ou K4eep
Thne Sercrets Thnat Yo0u Ke4ep Tbe S4crets Tbat Ylu Kdep Tbhe S4ecrets Tbhat Ylou Kdeep Thbe Se4crets Thbat Yolu Kedep Tge Sdcrets Tgat Yiu Kwep
Yiou Kweep Thge Sedcrets Thgat Yoiu Kewep Tye Swcrets Tyat Youu Yo Thye Sewcrets Thyat You Kepe
Thee Seccrets Thaat Yoh Kesp Th Serets Tht Yohu The Sercets Thta Youh Keesp Ths Sefrets Thzt Yo7 Ke3p Thse Thzat Yo7u
Thes Secfrets Thazt You7 Kee3p Th3 Sexrets Thqt Yok Kefp Th3e Sexcrets Thqat The3 Secxrets Thaqt Youk Keefp Thf Sevrets Thst Yoi Kerp
Thfe Sevcrets Thsat Thef Secvrets Thast Youi Keerp Thr Sedrets Thwt Yo8 Ke4p Thre Thwat Yo8u Ther Secdrets Thawt You8 Kee4p
Th4 Secrrets Thxt Yoj Kedp Th4e Secets Thxat Yoju The4 Secerts Thaxt Youj Keedp Thd Secdets Thatt Yoy Kewp Thde Tha Yoyu
Thed Secrdets That Youy Keewp Thw Sec4ets Thaf Keepp Thwe Sec4rets Thaft Kee Thew Secr4ets Thatf Secgets Tha5 Kee0

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