Brand New Face

Brand New Face

Hey baby, I love your face
I love your face
Baby, baby, I love your face
I love your brand new face
You've never looked better
I've just got to tell you
I love your brand new face

They did a great job on you
I detect a swagger in the way that you walk
And a sass in the way that you talk
Good God, you stop the clock
And you went backwards, around the block

Hey baby, I love your face
I love your face
Baby, baby, I love your face
I love your brand new face
You've never looked better
In fact, you look stellar
I love your brand new face

Must be nice to stop growing old
Too bad they can't give you a soul
What'd they do with the rest of your nose?
I bet that you won't decompose


Hey baby, I love your face
I love your brand new face
Baby, baby, I love your face
I love your brand new face
You never looked better
Ah hell, you look stellar
I love your brand new face
I love your brand new face
I really love your brand new face, yeah
I love your brand new face

Mirror lyrics:

I love your brand new face
I really love your brand new face, yeah
I love your brand new face
I love your brand new face
Ah hell, you look stellar
You never looked better
I love your brand new face
Baby, baby, I love your face
I love your brand new face
Hey baby, I love your face


I bet that you won't decompose
What'd they do with the rest of your nose?
Too bad they can't give you a soul
Must be nice to stop growing old

I love your brand new face
In fact, you look stellar
You've never looked better
I love your brand new face
Baby, baby, I love your face
I love your face
Hey baby, I love your face

And you went backwards, around the block
Good God, you stop the clock
And a sass in the way that you talk
I detect a swagger in the way that you walk
They did a great job on you

I love your brand new face
I've just got to tell you
You've never looked better
I love your brand new face
Baby, baby, I love your face
I love your face
Hey baby, I love your face

Brand New Face

Relevant Tags:
BBrand NNew FFace rand ew ace rBand eNw aFce vrand mew cace vBrand mNew cFace Bvrand Nmew Fcace grand hew race gBrand hNew rFace
Bgrand Nhew Frace nrand jew gace nBrand jNew gFace Bnrand Njew Fgace hrand bew tace hBrand bNew tFace Bhrand Nbew Ftace Brrand Neew vace
Band Nw vFace Barnd Nwe Fvace Bdand Nsw dace Bdrand Nsew dFace Brdand Nesw Fdace B4and N3w Faace B4rand N3ew Fce Br4and Ne3w Fcae
Bgand Nfw Fzce Nfew Fzace Brgand Nefw Fazce Btand Nrw Fqce Btrand Nrew Fqace Brtand Nerw Faqce B5and N4w Fsce B5rand N4ew Fsace
Br5and Ne4w Fasce Bfand Ndw Fwce Bfrand Ndew Fwace Brfand Nedw Fawce Beand Nww Fxce Berand Nwew Fxace Breand Neww Faxce Braand Facce
Brnd Ne Fae Brnad New Faec Brznd Nea Fafe Brzand Neaw Fafce Braznd Newa Facfe Brqnd Ne3 Faxe

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