Mr. Big
Love Makes You Strong

I got what I wanted
It wasn't what I wanted
I got what I needed
It wasn't what I needed

Just found out
Love makes you strong
Love makes you heavy
Like a stranger in the night
Like a Tyson fight
Love makes you strong
Love makes you funky
Like you don't know where you are
Like a limousine car

I got what was comin'
I should've been runnin'
F-F-Fifty per cent
Just to pay her rent

Just found out
Love steers you wrong
Love costs you plenty
Save your nickels and dimes
These are desperate times
Love steers you wrong
Love spoils the party
I got something in my eye
Feel like I wanna die

I want my honey
I want my money
If I'm an angel this time
She'll be treatin' me fine

Just found out
Love makes you strong
But it makes you pay for it
Love steers you wrong
Sometimes if you ignore it

Mirror lyrics:

Sometimes if you ignore it
Love steers you wrong
But it makes you pay for it
Love makes you strong
Just found out

She'll be treatin' me fine
If I'm an angel this time
I want my money
I want my honey

Feel like I wanna die
I got something in my eye
Love spoils the party
Love steers you wrong
These are desperate times
Save your nickels and dimes
Love costs you plenty
Love steers you wrong
Just found out

Just to pay her rent
F-F-Fifty per cent
I should've been runnin'
I got what was comin'

Like a limousine car
Like you don't know where you are
Love makes you funky
Love makes you strong
Like a Tyson fight
Like a stranger in the night
Love makes you heavy
Love makes you strong
Just found out

It wasn't what I needed
I got what I needed
It wasn't what I wanted
I got what I wanted

Relevant Tags:
LLove MMakes YYou SStrong ove akes ou trong oLve aMkes oYu tSrong kove jakes gou ztrong kLove jMakes gYou zStrong Lkove Mjakes Ygou Sztrong
oove kakes hou wtrong oLove kMakes hYou wStrong Loove Mkakes Yhou Swtrong pove nakes 6ou dtrong pLove nMakes 6You dStrong Lpove Mnakes Y6ou Sdtrong
Maakes uou etrong Lve Mkes uYou eStrong Lvoe Mkaes Yuou Setrong Lkve Mzkes 7ou xtrong Mzakes 7You xStrong Lokve Mazkes Y7ou Sxtrong
L9ve Mqkes jou atrong L9ove Mqakes jYou aStrong Lo9ve Maqkes Yjou Satrong L0ve Mskes tou Sttrong L0ove Msakes tYou Srong Lo0ve Maskes Ytou Srtong
Llve Mwkes Yoou Sfrong Llove Mwakes Yu Sftrong Lolve Mawkes Yuo Stfrong Live Mxkes Yku S5rong Liove Mxakes Ykou S5trong Loive Maxkes Yoku St5rong
Lovve Makkes Y9u Shrong Loe Maes Y9ou Shtrong Loev Maeks Yo9u Sthrong Lobe Males Y0u Syrong Lobve Malkes Y0ou Sytrong Lovbe Makles Yo0u Styrong
Loce Maoes Ylu S6rong Locve Maokes Ylou S6trong Lovce Makoes Yolu St6rong Loge Mames Yiu Sgrong Logve Mamkes Yiou Sgtrong Lovge Makmes Yoiu Stgrong
Lofe Majes Youu Srrong Lofve Majkes Yo Srtrong Lovfe Makjes You Strrong Lovee Maies Yoh Lov Maikes Yohu Stong Love Makies Youh Storng
Lovs Makees Yo7 Stdong Lovse Maks Yo7u Stdrong Loves Makse You7 Strdong Lov3 Makss Yok St4ong Lov3e Makses St4rong Love3 Makess Youk Str4ong
Lovf Mak3s Yoi Stgong Mak3es Lovef Make3s Youi Strgong Lovr Makfs Yo8 Sttong

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