Mr. Big

Light me up,
'Cause the night is only halfway through
I'd love to make some trouble with you
Flick my switch, smack my lips, let's go
I gotta fuse that's abused
And it's ready to blow

I start to slip into anticipation,
A twisted fascination

I'm in over my head,
'Cause you're outta your mind
You've got me electrified
Shock me once,
Shock me twice

You've got me electrified,
Oh shock me!

It might be wrong,
Yeah! It might me a big mistake

That's a charge in my heart
That I'm willing to take

Slow your motor down,
Hey you know I've got to rewind

I need the twenty minutes
Back to the start of the line

I slip and gall into anticipation,
A twisted fascination

I'm over my head,
'Cause you're outta your mind
You've got me electrified
Every little thing and all the time
You've got me electrified
Shock me once. Shock me twice
You've got me electrified

Repeat last chorus

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat last chorus

You've got me electrified
Shock me once. Shock me twice
You've got me electrified
Every little thing and all the time
You've got me electrified
'Cause you're outta your mind
I'm over my head,

A twisted fascination
I slip and gall into anticipation,

Back to the start of the line
I need the twenty minutes

Hey you know I've got to rewind
Slow your motor down,

That I'm willing to take
That's a charge in my heart

Yeah! It might me a big mistake
It might be wrong,

Oh shock me!
You've got me electrified,

Shock me twice
Shock me once,
You've got me electrified
'Cause you're outta your mind
I'm in over my head,

A twisted fascination
I start to slip into anticipation,

And it's ready to blow
I gotta fuse that's abused
Flick my switch, smack my lips, let's go
I'd love to make some trouble with you
'Cause the night is only halfway through
Light me up,

Relevant Tags:
EElectrified lectrified lEectrified slectrified sElectrified Eslectrified 3lectrified 3Electrified E3lectrified flectrified
fElectrified Eflectrified rlectrified rElectrified Erlectrified 4lectrified 4Electrified E4lectrified dlectrified dElectrified
Edlectrified wlectrified wElectrified Ewlectrified Ellectrified Eectrified Eelctrified Ekectrified Eklectrified Elkectrified
Eoectrified Eolectrified Eloectrified Epectrified Eplectrified Elpectrified Eleectrified Elctrified Elcetrified Elsctrified
Elsectrified Elesctrified El3ctrified El3ectrified Ele3ctrified Elfctrified Elfectrified Elefctrified Elrctrified Elrectrified
Elerctrified El4ctrified El4ectrified Ele4ctrified Eldctrified Eldectrified Eledctrified Elwctrified Elwectrified Elewctrified
Elecctrified Eletrified Eletcrified Eleftrified Elecftrified Elextrified Elexctrified Elecxtrified Elevtrified Elevctrified
Elecvtrified Eledtrified Elecdtrified Electtrified Elecrified Elecrtified Elecfrified Electfrified Elec5rified Elec5trified
Elect5rified Elechrified Elechtrified Electhrified Elecyrified Elecytrified Electyrified Elec6rified Elec6trified Elect6rified
Elecgrified Elecgtrified Electgrified Elecrrified Elecrtrified Electrrified Electified Electirfied Electdified Electdrified
Electrdified Elect4ified Elect4rified Electr4ified Electgified Electrgified Electtified

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