Thirteen Crazy (seal Cover)

In a church, by the face,
He talks about the people going under.

(Jeffrey Nothing)
Only child know...
(Lost and Crazy)
A man decides after seventy years,
That what he goes there for, is to unlock the door.
While those around him criticize and sleep...
And through a fractal on a breaking wall,
I see you my friend, and touch your face again.
Miracles will happen as we trip.

(JMann and Jeffrey Nothing)
But we're never gonna survive,
unless We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive,
unless We are a little Crazy

(Jeffrey Nothing)
Crazy are the people walking through my head.
One of them's got a gun to shoot the other one.
And yet together they were friends at school
Ohh, get it, get it, get it, get it no no!
If all were there when we first took the pill,
Then maybe...
Miracles will happen as we speak.

(JMann and Jeffrey Nothing)
But we're never gonna survive,
unless We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive,
unless We are a little Crazy

(Jeffrey Nothing)
No no, never survive, unless we get a little... bit...

( JMann)
Crazy are the people walking through my head.
One of them's got a gun to shoot the other one.
And yet together they were friends at school
Ohh, get it, get it, get it, get it no no!

(Jeffrey Nothing)
In a sky full of people, only some want to fly,
Isn't that crazy?
In a world full of people, only some want to fly,
Isn't that crazy?
In a heaven of people there's only some want to fly,
Ain't that crazy?
In a world full of people there's only some want to fly,
Isn't that crazy?
Isn't that crazy... Isn't that crazy... Isn't that crazy

(JMann and Jeffrey Nothing)
But we're never gonna survive,
unless We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive,
unless We are a little Crazy

Mirror lyrics:

unless We are a little Crazy
No we're never gonna survive,
unless We get a little crazy
But we're never gonna survive,
(JMann and Jeffrey Nothing)

Isn't that crazy... Isn't that crazy... Isn't that crazy
Isn't that crazy?
In a world full of people there's only some want to fly,
Ain't that crazy?
In a heaven of people there's only some want to fly,
Isn't that crazy?
In a world full of people, only some want to fly,
Isn't that crazy?
In a sky full of people, only some want to fly,
(Jeffrey Nothing)

Ohh, get it, get it, get it, get it no no!
And yet together they were friends at school
One of them's got a gun to shoot the other one.
Crazy are the people walking through my head.
( JMann)

No no, never survive, unless we get a little... bit...
(Jeffrey Nothing)

unless We are a little Crazy
No we're never gonna survive,
unless We get a little crazy
But we're never gonna survive,
(JMann and Jeffrey Nothing)

Miracles will happen as we speak.
Then maybe...
If all were there when we first took the pill,
Ohh, get it, get it, get it, get it no no!
And yet together they were friends at school
One of them's got a gun to shoot the other one.
Crazy are the people walking through my head.
(Jeffrey Nothing)

unless We are a little Crazy
No we're never gonna survive,
unless We get a little crazy
But we're never gonna survive,
(JMann and Jeffrey Nothing)

Miracles will happen as we trip.
I see you my friend, and touch your face again.
And through a fractal on a breaking wall,
While those around him criticize and sleep...
That what he goes there for, is to unlock the door.
A man decides after seventy years,
(Lost and Crazy)
Only child know...
(Jeffrey Nothing)

He talks about the people going under.
In a church, by the face,

Relevant Tags:
TThirteen CCrazy ((seal CCover) hirteen razy seal over) hTirteen rCazy s(eal oCver) fhirteen frazy (sseal fover) fThirteen fCrazy (eal fCover)
Tfhirteen Cfrazy (esal Cfover) 5hirteen xrazy (zeal xover) 5Thirteen xCrazy (zseal xCover) T5hirteen Cxrazy (szeal Cxover) hhirteen vrazy (weal vover)
hThirteen vCrazy (wseal vCover) Thhirteen Cvrazy (sweal Cvover) yhirteen drazy (deal dover) yThirteen dCrazy (dseal dCover) Tyhirteen Cdrazy (sdeal Cdover)
6hirteen Crrazy (eeal Coover) 6Thirteen Cazy (eseal Cver) T6hirteen Carzy (seeal Cvoer) ghirteen Cdazy (xeal Ckver) gThirteen (xseal Ckover)
Tghirteen Crdazy (sxeal Cokver) rhirteen C4azy (aeal C9ver) rThirteen C4razy (aseal C9over) Trhirteen Cr4azy (saeal Co9ver) Cgazy C0ver)
Tirteen Cgrazy (sal C0over) Tihrteen Crgazy (sael Co0ver) Tjirteen Ctazy (ssal Clver) Tjhirteen Ctrazy Clover) Thjirteen Crtazy (sesal Colver)
Tuirteen C5azy (s3al Civer) Tuhirteen C5razy (s3eal Ciover) Thuirteen Cr5azy (se3al Coiver) Tnirteen Cfazy (sfal Covver) Tnhirteen (sfeal Coer)
Thnirteen Crfazy (sefal Coevr) Tbirteen Ceazy (sral Cober) Tbhirteen Cerazy (sreal Cobver) Thbirteen Creazy (seral Covber) Tgirteen Craazy (s4al Cocer)
Crzy (s4eal Cocver) Thgirteen Crzay (se4al Covcer) Tyirteen Crzzy (sdal Coger) Crzazy Cogver) Thyirteen Crazzy (sedal Covger)
Thiirteen Crqzy (swal Cofer) Thrteen Crqazy Cofver) Thriteen Craqzy (sewal Covfer) Thjrteen Crszy (seaal Coveer) Crsazy (sel Covr)
Thijrteen Craszy (sela Covre) Th9rteen Crwzy (sezl Covsr) Th9irteen Crwazy (sezal Covser) Thi9rteen Crawzy (seazl Covesr) Thlrteen Crxzy (seql Cov3r)
Thlirteen Crxazy (seqal Cov3er) Thilrteen Craxzy (seaql Cove3r) Thorteen (sesl Covfr) Thoirteen Cray Thiorteen Crayz (seasl Covefr)
Thkrteen Craay (sewl Covrr) Thkirteen Covrer) Thikrteen Crazay (seawl Coverr) Th8rteen Crasy (sexl Cov4r) Th8irteen (sexal Cov4er)
Thi8rteen Crazsy (seaxl Cove4r) Thurteen Craxy (seall Covdr) (sea Covder) Thiurteen Crazxy (seal Covedr) Thirrteen Crazyy (seak Covwr)
Thiteen Craz (seakl Covwer) Thitreen Crazy (sealk Covewr) Thidteen Crazg (seao Thidrteen Crazgy (seaol Cove) Thirdteen Crazyg (sealo Cove)r
Thi4teen Crazh (seap Coved) Thi4rteen Crazhy (seapl Thir4teen Crazyh (sealp Coverd) Thigteen Craz6 Cove4)

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