Dark Shines

Passing by, you light up my darkest skies
You'll take only seconds to draw me in
So be mine and your innocence
I will consume

Dark shines
Bringing me down
Making my heart feel sore
'Cause it's good

Hold your hands up to your eyes again
Hide from the scary scenes
Suppress your fears
So be mine and your innocence
I will consume

Dark shines
Bringing me down
Making my heart feel sore
'Cause it's good

Your dark shines
Bringing me down
Making my heart feel sore
'Cause it's good

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause it's good
Making my heart feel sore
Bringing me down
Your dark shines

'Cause it's good
Making my heart feel sore
Bringing me down
Dark shines

I will consume
So be mine and your innocence
Suppress your fears
Hide from the scary scenes
Hold your hands up to your eyes again

'Cause it's good
Making my heart feel sore
Bringing me down
Dark shines

I will consume
So be mine and your innocence
You'll take only seconds to draw me in
Passing by, you light up my darkest skies

Relevant Tags:
DDark SShines ark hines aDrk hSines xark zhines xDark zShines Dxark Szhines eark whines eDark wShines Deark Swhines fark dhines
fDark dShines Dfark Sdhines rark ehines rDark eShines Drark Sehines cark xhines cDark xShines Dcark Sxhines sark ahines sDark aShines
Dsark Sahines Daark Shhines Drk Sines Drak Sihnes Dzrk Sjines Dzark Sjhines Dazrk Shjines Dqrk Suines Dqark Suhines Daqrk Shuines
Dsrk Snines Snhines Dasrk Shnines Dwrk Sbines Dwark Sbhines Dawrk Shbines Dxrk Sgines Sghines Daxrk Shgines Darrk Syines
Dak Syhines Dakr Shyines Dadk Shiines Dadrk Shnes Dardk Shnies Da4k Shjnes Da4rk Dar4k Shijnes Dagk Sh9nes Dagrk Sh9ines
Dargk Shi9nes Datk Shlnes Datrk Shlines Dartk Shilnes Da5k Shones Da5rk Shoines Dar5k Shiones Dafk Shknes Dafrk Shkines Darfk Shiknes

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