See What It Brings (feat. Daryl Hall)

The path is opening clearly
We've all been here before
I can feel it all around me
It's time to ask for more

And it's nothing that we can't handle
And it's nothing that we can't do
So I ask you, brother, sister
Won't you just look at what's inside of you

We oughta rise in the morning
See what it brings
We oughta rise in the morning

Ain't no revolution
We'll get there through and through
So don't seek out retribution
'Cause it all comes back to me and you

We'll be crying in the daytime
We'll be crying all through the night
We'll be losing our minds slowly
If we don't start believing things will be alright

We oughta rise in the morning, see what it brings
We oughta rise in the morning, see what it brings
You keep moving on, you keep doing your thing
It's just a simple song, I hope you'll all join in

It's all alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright

The path is opening clearly
We've all been here before
I can feel it all around me
It's time to ask for more

We oughtta rise in the morning, see what it brings
We oughtta rise in the morning, see what it brings
You keep moving on you, keep doing your thing
It's just a simple song, I hope you'll all join in

It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright

Mirror lyrics:

It's alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright

It's just a simple song, I hope you'll all join in
You keep moving on you, keep doing your thing
We oughtta rise in the morning, see what it brings
We oughtta rise in the morning, see what it brings

It's time to ask for more
I can feel it all around me
We've all been here before
The path is opening clearly

It's all alright, it's alright, it's alright, it's alright

It's just a simple song, I hope you'll all join in
You keep moving on, you keep doing your thing
We oughta rise in the morning, see what it brings
We oughta rise in the morning, see what it brings

If we don't start believing things will be alright
We'll be losing our minds slowly
We'll be crying all through the night
We'll be crying in the daytime

'Cause it all comes back to me and you
So don't seek out retribution
We'll get there through and through
Ain't no revolution

We oughta rise in the morning
See what it brings
We oughta rise in the morning

Won't you just look at what's inside of you
So I ask you, brother, sister
And it's nothing that we can't do
And it's nothing that we can't handle

It's time to ask for more
I can feel it all around me
We've all been here before
The path is opening clearly

Relevant Tags:
SSee WWhat IIt BBrings ((feat. DDaryl HHall) ee hat t rings feat. aryl all) eSe hWat tI rBings f(eat. aDryl aHll)
zee ahat jt vrings (ffeat. xaryl jall) zSee aWhat jIt vBrings (eat. xDaryl jHall) Szee Wahat Ijt Bvrings (efat. Dxaryl Hjall)
wee 3hat 9t grings (ceat. earyl uall) wSee 3What 9It gBrings (cfeat. eDaryl uHall) Swee W3hat I9t Bgrings (fceat. Dearyl Huall)
dee dhat lt nrings (reat. faryl nall) dSee dWhat lIt nBrings (rfeat. fDaryl nHall) Sdee Wdhat Ilt Bnrings (freat. Dfaryl Hnall)
eee ehat ot hrings (geat. raryl ball) eSee eWhat oIt hBrings (gfeat. rDaryl bHall) Seee Wehat Iot Bhrings (fgeat. Draryl Hball)
xee shat kt Brrings (teat. caryl gall) xSee sWhat kIt Bings (tfeat. cDaryl gHall) Sxee Wshat Ikt Birngs (fteat. Dcaryl Hgall)
aee 2hat 8t Bdings (veat. saryl yall) aSee 2What 8It Bdrings (vfeat. sDaryl yHall) Saee W2hat I8t Brdings (fveat. Dsaryl Hyall)
qhat ut B4ings (deat. Daaryl Haall) Se qWhat uIt B4rings (dfeat. Dryl Hll) See Wqhat Iut Br4ings (fdeat. Drayl Hlal)
Sse Whhat Itt Bgings (feeat. Dzryl Hzll) Ssee Wat I (fat. Dzaryl Hzall) Sese Waht It Brgings (faet. Dazryl Hazll)
S3e Wjat If Btings (fsat. Dqryl Hqll) S3ee Wjhat Ift Btrings (fseat. Dqaryl Hqall) Se3e Whjat Itf Brtings (fesat. Daqryl Haqll)
Sfe Wuat I5 B5ings (f3at. Dsryl Hsll) Sfee Wuhat I5t B5rings (f3eat. Hsall) Sefe Whuat It5 Br5ings (fe3at. Dasryl Hasll)
Sre Wnat Ih Bfings (ffat. Dwryl Hwll) Sree Wnhat Iht Bfrings Dwaryl Hwall) Sere Whnat Ith Brfings (fefat. Dawryl Hawll)
S4e Wbat Iy Beings (frat. Dxryl Hxll) S4ee Wbhat Iyt Berings Hxall) Se4e Whbat Ity Breings (ferat. Daxryl Haxll)
Sde Wgat I6 Briings (f4at. Darryl Halll) Wghat I6t Brngs (f4eat. Dayl Hal) Sede Whgat It6 Brnigs (fe4at. Dayrl Hall)
Swe Wyat Ig Brjngs (fdat. Dadyl Hakl) Wyhat Igt Brjings Dadryl Hakll) Sewe Whyat Itg Brijngs (fedat. Dardyl Halkl)
Whaat Ir Br9ngs (fwat. Da4yl Haol) Wht Irt Br9ings (fweat. Da4ryl Haoll) Whta Itr Bri9ngs (fewat. Dar4yl Halol)
Ses Whzt Brlngs (feaat. Dagyl Hapl) Whzat Brlings (fet. Dagryl Hapll) Sees Whazt Brilngs (feta. Dargyl Halpl)
Se3 Whqt Brongs (fezt. Datyl Whqat Broings (fezat. Datryl See3 Whaqt Briongs (feazt. Dartyl Hal)l
Sef Whst Brkngs (feqt. Da5yl Halk) Whsat Brkings (feqat. Da5ryl Seef Whast Brikngs (feaqt. Dar5yl Hallk)
Ser Whwt Br8ngs (fest. Dafyl Halo)

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