Marianne Faithfull
Love & Money (marianne Faithfull, David Courts)

Is it a crisis ?
Is it a crime ?
Or is it a fantasy ?
Does it take time ?
Will it cost money ?
Will it mean love ?
Sure isn't easy
To get in the mood


See you at the parties
You're never the same
Do you make money ?
What is your name ?
Where can I find you ?
Out in the night
Who are your friends ?
Are they dark or light ?


Tell me the dreams you never told anyone
Gimme a break.
Are you really a virgin who's never loved anyone else ?
Or just a fake ?
Me I don't know what to think anymore
Don't know where to start
To sit here with you and talk about nothing
Is breaking my heart.

Ask me a question ?
Gimme a smoke
What are you drinking ?
Is it a joke
Well ain't it worth it ?
Or am I depraved ?
You hold your head high
With one foot in the grave.


Mirror lyrics:


With one foot in the grave.
You hold your head high
Or am I depraved ?
Well ain't it worth it ?
Is it a joke
What are you drinking ?
Gimme a smoke
Ask me a question ?

Is breaking my heart.
To sit here with you and talk about nothing
Don't know where to start
Me I don't know what to think anymore
Or just a fake ?
Are you really a virgin who's never loved anyone else ?
Gimme a break.
Tell me the dreams you never told anyone


Are they dark or light ?
Who are your friends ?
Out in the night
Where can I find you ?
What is your name ?
Do you make money ?
You're never the same
See you at the parties


To get in the mood
Sure isn't easy
Will it mean love ?
Will it cost money ?
Does it take time ?
Or is it a fantasy ?
Is it a crime ?
Is it a crisis ?

Relevant Tags:
LLove && MMoney ((marianne FFaithfull, DDavid CCourts) ove oney marianne aithfull, avid ourts) oLve & oMney m(arianne aFithfull, aDvid oCurts)
kove joney (mmarianne caithfull, xavid fourts) kLove jMoney (arianne cFaithfull, xDavid fCourts) Lkove Mjoney (amrianne Fcaithfull, Dxavid Cfourts)
oove koney (jarianne raithfull, eavid xourts) oLove kMoney (jmarianne rFaithfull, eDavid xCourts) Loove Mkoney (mjarianne Fraithfull, Deavid Cxourts)
pove noney (karianne gaithfull, favid vourts) pLove nMoney (kmarianne gFaithfull, fDavid vCourts) Lpove Mnoney (mkarianne Fgaithfull, Dfavid Cvourts)
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