Marie Lindberg
This Time

Thought it was easier than it was
to forget you and run away
To someone elses arms
Got lost somewhere about half the way
on the way down inside my mind
To find you

But there's too little time, too many feelings
Inside my head
They wanna get out thet wanna get home
Won't let you go this time

Figure I see you but you're not here,
it reminds me of times with you
Lying in my arms
I hear your voice but I don't know
where you are hiding or if you're near
I sense you

But there's too little time, too many feelings
Inside my head
They wanna get out thet wanna get home
Won't let you go this time

Thought I was clever
but now I know that I was not to let you go
To someone elses arms
I guess I'm sorry but how 'bout you,
are you happy or can you feel it too
I miss you

But there's too little time, too many feelings
Inside my head
They wanna get out thet wanna get home
Won't let you go this time

Too little time too many feelings
Inside my head
They wanna get out they wanna get home
Won't let you go this time

Mirror lyrics:

Won't let you go this time
They wanna get out they wanna get home
Inside my head
Too little time too many feelings

Won't let you go this time
They wanna get out thet wanna get home
Inside my head
But there's too little time, too many feelings

I miss you
are you happy or can you feel it too
I guess I'm sorry but how 'bout you,
To someone elses arms
but now I know that I was not to let you go
Thought I was clever

Won't let you go this time
They wanna get out thet wanna get home
Inside my head
But there's too little time, too many feelings

I sense you
where you are hiding or if you're near
I hear your voice but I don't know
Lying in my arms
it reminds me of times with you
Figure I see you but you're not here,

Won't let you go this time
They wanna get out thet wanna get home
Inside my head
But there's too little time, too many feelings

To find you
on the way down inside my mind
Got lost somewhere about half the way
To someone elses arms
to forget you and run away
Thought it was easier than it was

Relevant Tags:
TThis TTime his ime hTis iTme fhis fime fThis fTime Tfhis Tfime 5his 5ime 5This 5Time T5his T5ime hhis hime hThis hTime
Thhis Thime yhis yime yThis yTime Tyhis Tyime 6his 6ime 6This 6Time T6his T6ime ghis gime gThis gTime Tghis Tgime rhis rime
rThis rTime Trhis Trime Tiime Tis Tme Tihs Tmie Tjis Tjme Tjhis Tjime Thjis Tijme Tuis T9me Tuhis T9ime Thuis Ti9me
Tnis Tlme Tnhis Tlime Thnis Tilme Tbis Tome Tbhis Toime Thbis Tiome Tgis Tkme Tkime Thgis Tikme Tyis T8me

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