Tomorrow's Another Day

I don't want to let my life fly by
Do you ever stop, stop to wonder why?
And time flies by
When everything is ok
It just turns out that life ain't that way
Big decisions overwhelm me and I know
nothing's free
When I don't think of, think about much
People die and we don't know why
I could use some understanding
Human contact, sign that contract
I don't want to let my life fly by
Did you ever stop to wonder why-ever stop to
wonder, wonder why?
And time stands still when no one understands you
When you don't quite understand yourself
But just know this that God is faithful
Even if you don't have faith yourself
There's nothing quite like being sure of
What's inside your heart
It's mostly simple but not so easy
To know just where to start
Today didn't have to be this way
Tomorrow is another day
Another chance to make things right
A chance to make sense of last night
A chance to fully live your life
I don't want to, I don't want to, you don't want to

Mirror lyrics:

I don't want to, I don't want to, you don't want to
A chance to fully live your life
A chance to make sense of last night
Another chance to make things right
Tomorrow is another day
Today didn't have to be this way
To know just where to start
It's mostly simple but not so easy
What's inside your heart
There's nothing quite like being sure of
Even if you don't have faith yourself
But just know this that God is faithful
When you don't quite understand yourself
And time stands still when no one understands you
wonder, wonder why?
Did you ever stop to wonder why-ever stop to
I don't want to let my life fly by
Human contact, sign that contract
I could use some understanding
People die and we don't know why
When I don't think of, think about much
nothing's free
Big decisions overwhelm me and I know
It just turns out that life ain't that way
When everything is ok
And time flies by
Do you ever stop, stop to wonder why?
I don't want to let my life fly by

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5omorrow's qnother eay 5Tomorrow's qAnother eDay T5omorrow's Aqnother Deay homorrow's snother fay hTomorrow's sAnother fDay Thomorrow's Asnother Dfay
yomorrow's wnother ray yTomorrow's wAnother rDay Tyomorrow's Awnother Dray 6omorrow's xnother cay 6Tomorrow's xAnother cDay T6omorrow's Axnother Dcay
gomorrow's Annother say gTomorrow's Aother sDay Tgomorrow's Aonther Dsay romorrow's Amother Daay rTomorrow's Amnother Dy Tromorrow's Anmother Dya
Toomorrow's Ahother Dzy Tmorrow's Ahnother Dzay Tmoorrow's Anhother Dazy Tkmorrow's Ajother Dqy Tkomorrow's Ajnother Dqay Tokmorrow's Anjother Daqy
T9morrow's Abother Dsy T9omorrow's Abnother To9morrow's Anbother Dasy T0morrow's Anoother Dwy T0omorrow's Anther Dway To0morrow's Antoher Dawy
Tlmorrow's Ankther Dxy Tlomorrow's Ankother Tolmorrow's Anokther Daxy Timorrow's An9ther Dayy Tiomorrow's An9other Da Toimorrow's Ano9ther Day
Tommorrow's An0ther Dag Toorrow's An0other Dagy Toomrrow's Ano0ther Dayg Tojorrow's Anlther Dah Tojmorrow's Anlother Dahy Tomjorrow's Anolther Dayh
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