The Capitol

When there's nowhere else to hide
When there's no one left to stand beside
When everything seems wrong
I've been with you all along

When neglect is all you really know
When no where's where you want to go
When they treat you like you don't belong
I've been with you all along

I'm the heart, the soul, the mind
The capitol of every kind
Those that seek will surely find
Those that don't are surely blind
Those that seek will surely find...

When time is always running out
When weathering a storm of doubt
When the narrow path is long
I've been with you all along

When your heart has been tied down
And thrown into the sea to drown
When the love you knew is gone
I've been with you all along

Every step of the way
Every passing day
Every step of the way
Every passing day

I'm the heart, the soul, the mind
The capitol of every kind
Those that seek will surely find
Those that don't are surely blind
Those that seek will surely find...

Mirror lyrics:

Those that seek will surely find...
Those that don't are surely blind
Those that seek will surely find
The capitol of every kind
I'm the heart, the soul, the mind

Every passing day
Every step of the way
Every passing day
Every step of the way

I've been with you all along
When the love you knew is gone
And thrown into the sea to drown
When your heart has been tied down

I've been with you all along
When the narrow path is long
When weathering a storm of doubt
When time is always running out

Those that seek will surely find...
Those that don't are surely blind
Those that seek will surely find
The capitol of every kind
I'm the heart, the soul, the mind

I've been with you all along
When they treat you like you don't belong
When no where's where you want to go
When neglect is all you really know

I've been with you all along
When everything seems wrong
When there's no one left to stand beside
When there's nowhere else to hide

Relevant Tags:
TThe CCapitol he apitol hTe aCpitol fhe fapitol fThe fCapitol Tfhe Cfapitol 5he xapitol 5The xCapitol T5he Cxapitol hhe vapitol
hThe vCapitol Thhe Cvapitol yhe dapitol yThe dCapitol Tyhe Cdapitol 6he Caapitol 6The Cpitol T6he Cpaitol ghe Czpitol gThe Czapitol
Tghe Cazpitol rhe Cqpitol rThe Cqapitol Trhe Caqpitol Cspitol Te Csapitol Teh Caspitol Tje Cwpitol Tjhe Cwapitol Thje Cawpitol
Tue Cxpitol Tuhe Thue Caxpitol Tne Cappitol Tnhe Caitol Thne Caiptol Tbe Ca0itol Tbhe Ca0pitol Thbe Cap0itol Tge Calitol
Calpitol Thge Caplitol Tye Caoitol Caopitol Thye Capoitol Thee Capiitol Th Captol The Captiol Ths Capjtol Thse Capjitol
Thes Capijtol Th3 Cap9tol Th3e Cap9itol The3 Capi9tol Thf Capltol Thfe Thef Capiltol Thr Capotol Thre

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