Talk Of The Town

I've seen you come around
It's not what I expected
I guess I most have known all along
I always been rejected.

Now I say
Who's for real
Which choice do I like
At least I got a direction
In my life
And I'm not bent down
And I know how to walk
And I know how to get there
Noone's gonna tell me what to do
Or when I die..

Now I say
Who's for real
Which choice do I like (Which choice do I like)
At least I got a direction
In my life (In my life)
And I'm not bent down
And I know how to walk
And I know how to get there (I know how to get there)
Noone's gonna tell me what to do
Or when I die..

Mirror lyrics:

Or when I die..
Noone's gonna tell me what to do
And I know how to get there (I know how to get there)
And I know how to walk
And I'm not bent down
In my life (In my life)
At least I got a direction
Which choice do I like (Which choice do I like)
Who's for real
Now I say

Or when I die..
Noone's gonna tell me what to do
And I know how to get there
And I know how to walk
And I'm not bent down
In my life
At least I got a direction
Which choice do I like
Who's for real
Now I say

I always been rejected.
I guess I most have known all along
It's not what I expected
I've seen you come around

Relevant Tags:
TTalk OOf TThe TTown alk f he own aTlk fO hTe oTwn falk kf fhe fown fTalk kOf fThe fTown Tfalk Okf Tfhe Tfown 5alk 9f 5he 5own
5Talk 9Of 5The 5Town T5alk O9f T5he T5own halk 0f hhe hown hTalk 0Of hThe hTown Thalk O0f Thhe Thown yalk lf yhe yown yTalk lOf yThe yTown
Tyalk Olf Tyhe Tyown 6alk if 6he 6own 6Talk iOf 6The 6Town T6alk Oif T6he T6own galk Off ghe gown gTalk O gThe gTown Tgalk Of Tghe Tgown
ralk Oc rhe rown rTalk Ocf rThe rTown Tralk Ofc Trhe Trown Taalk Or Toown Tlk Orf Te Twn Tlak Ofr Teh Twon Tzlk Og Tje Tkwn
Tzalk Ogf Tjhe Tkown Tazlk Ofg Thje Tokwn Tqlk Ot Tue T9wn Tqalk Otf Tuhe T9own Taqlk Oft Thue To9wn Tslk Ov Tne T0wn Tsalk Ovf Tnhe T0own
Taslk Ofv Thne To0wn Twlk Od Tbe Tlwn Twalk Odf Tbhe Tlown Tawlk Ofd Thbe Tolwn Txlk Tge Tiwn Txalk Tiown

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