Hot And Cold

What day is this so I can sing
The kind of day you start recycling
You feel so good you could explode
Or stand around out by the road
Sometimes it makes me sick
Yah I'd rather puke
Or get poked with a stick
Than see your face
Then I think of the decision I made
That makes me happy all over again
Just like birds to the sky and fish to the sea
I'm as happy as can be

Mirror lyrics:

I'm as happy as can be
Just like birds to the sky and fish to the sea
That makes me happy all over again
Then I think of the decision I made
Than see your face
Or get poked with a stick
Yah I'd rather puke
Sometimes it makes me sick
Or stand around out by the road
You feel so good you could explode
The kind of day you start recycling
What day is this so I can sing

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HHot AAnd CCold ot nd old oHt nAd oCld jot znd fold jHot zAnd fCold Hjot Aznd Cfold uot qnd xold uHot qAnd xCold Huot Aqnd Cxold
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yot Annd Ckld yHot Ad Ckold Hyot Adn Cokld Hoot Amd C9ld Ht Amnd C9old Hto Anmd Co9ld Hkt Ahd C0ld Hkot Ahnd C0old Hokt Anhd Co0ld
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