Honest Answers

22. Honest Answers

I'll try to shed some common sense, situation so intense
many questions, don't know whys & all the lies got tempers risin'
there's 2 or 3 sides to it all, but just one truth if I recall
looking to & thinking through, the word of God infinite, true
If you want honest answers, I know you do, so say it's true
we all want honest answers, something true, it's nothing new

you're threatened by what you don't understand, and it's time
give up yourself, why won't you stop facading? This wicked world

so set in the ways, you've been taught day after day
this nations brainwashed, without a clue, still they know not what they do
i can't cast the stone, cause iv'e got problems of my own
but i'm discussing, being real, this just the way I feel

Mirror lyrics:

but i'm discussing, being real, this just the way I feel
i can't cast the stone, cause iv'e got problems of my own
this nations brainwashed, without a clue, still they know not what they do
so set in the ways, you've been taught day after day

give up yourself, why won't you stop facading? This wicked world
you're threatened by what you don't understand, and it's time

we all want honest answers, something true, it's nothing new
If you want honest answers, I know you do, so say it's true
looking to & thinking through, the word of God infinite, true
there's 2 or 3 sides to it all, but just one truth if I recall
many questions, don't know whys & all the lies got tempers risin'
I'll try to shed some common sense, situation so intense

22. Honest Answers

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