Ears To Hear

Right now there's nothing left for me to say
Now you want me to go away
Heard it one too many times
Now it's swimming in your mind
You don't know how you should feel
Can't decide if what's real is real
How does faith come so easily
Why believe in what you can't see?

I feel so bad, have I done all I can?
Want to give you more, don't know what I can
Have you ears to hear what is said to you?
Have you eyes to see the light that's shining on you?

Mirror lyrics:

Have you eyes to see the light that's shining on you?
Have you ears to hear what is said to you?
Want to give you more, don't know what I can
I feel so bad, have I done all I can?

Why believe in what you can't see?
How does faith come so easily
Can't decide if what's real is real
You don't know how you should feel
Now it's swimming in your mind
Heard it one too many times
Now you want me to go away
Right now there's nothing left for me to say

Relevant Tags:
EEars TTo HHear ars o ear aErs oT eHar sars fo jear sEars fTo jHear Esars Tfo Hjear 3ars 5o uear 3Ears 5To uHear E3ars T5o Huear
fars ho near fEars hTo nHear Efars Tho Hnear rars yo bear rEars yTo bHear Erars Tyo Hbear 4ars 6o gear 4Ears 6To gHear E4ars T6o Hgear
dars go year dEars gTo yHear Edars Tgo Hyear wars ro Heear wEars rTo Har Ewars Tro Haer Eaars Too Hsar Ers T Hsear Eras To Hesar
Ezrs Tk H3ar Ezars Tko H3ear Eazrs Tok He3ar Eqrs T9 Hfar Eqars T9o Hfear Eaqrs To9 Hefar Esrs T0 Hrar T0o Hrear Easrs To0 Herar
Ewrs Tl H4ar Tlo H4ear Eawrs Tol He4ar Exrs Ti Hdar Exars Tio Hdear Eaxrs Toi Hedar Earrs Hwar

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