My Bloody Valentine
I Can See It (but I Can't Feel It)

Don't know when
I will leave you again
Grab a reason
And I'm dragging you down

Come just to make you happy
Shot in the head I can see
I can see it
But I can't feel it

Mirror lyrics:

But I can't feel it
I can see it
Shot in the head I can see
Come just to make you happy

And I'm dragging you down
Grab a reason
I will leave you again
Don't know when

Relevant Tags:
II CCan SSee IIt ((but II CCan't FFeel IIt) an ee t but an't eel t) I aCn eSe tI b(ut I aCn't eFel tI) j fan zee jt (bbut j fan't ceel jt) jI fCan zSee jIt (ut jI fCan't cFeel jIt)
Ij Cfan Szee Ijt (ubt Ij Cfan't Fceel Ijt) 9 xan wee 9t (vut 9 xan't reel 9t) 9I xCan wSee 9It (vbut 9I xCan't rFeel 9It) I9 Cxan Swee I9t (bvut I9 Cxan't Freel I9t) l van dee lt (gut l van't geel lt)
lI vCan dSee lIt (gbut lI vCan't gFeel lIt) Il Cvan Sdee Ilt (bgut Il Cvan't Fgeel Ilt) o dan eee ot (nut o dan't teel ot) oI dCan eSee oIt (nbut oI dCan't tFeel oIt) Io Cdan Seee Iot (bnut Io Cdan't Fteel Iot)
k Caan xee kt (hut k Caan't veel kt) kI Cn xSee kIt (hbut kI Cn't vFeel kIt) Ik Cna Sxee Ikt (bhut Ik Cna't Fveel Ikt) 8 Czn aee 8t (buut 8 Czn't deel 8t) 8I Czan aSee 8It (bt 8I Czan't dFeel 8It)
I8 Cazn Saee I8t (btu I8 Cazn't Fdeel I8t) u Cqn ut (bht u Cqn't Feeel ut) uI Cqan Se uIt uI Cqan't Fel uIt) Iu Caqn See Iut (buht Iu Caqn't Feel Iut) Csn Sse Itt (b7t Csn't Fsel Itt)
Csan Ssee I (b7ut Csan't Fseel I) Casn Sese It (bu7t Casn't Fesel I)t Cwn S3e If (bkt Cwn't F3el If) Cwan S3ee Ift (bkut Cwan't F3eel Ift) Cawn Se3e Itf (bukt Cawn't Fe3el Itf)
Cxn Sfe I5 (bit Cxn't Ffel I5) Sfee I5t (biut Ffeel I5t) Caxn Sefe It5 (buit Caxn't Fefel It5) Cann Sre Ih (b8t Cann't Frel Ih) Ca Sree Iht (b8ut Ca't Iht)
Can Sere Ith (bu8t Ca'nt Ferel Ith) Cam S4e Iy (bjt Cam't F4el Iy)

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