Mă¶tley CrăĽe
Anybody Out There

Wanna be your dog
Wanna be your man
Let's break the
Speed of sound
Cause we're goin'
Way to fast

Lookin' for love??
Lookin' for a lover
Let me ask ya...
Is anybody out there???

I'm gonna die
You're gonna die
We gotta live for tonight
Cause we're runnin'
Out of time
Lookin' for love
Lookin' for a lover??
Let me ask ya...
Is anybody out there??????

Wanna be your dog
Wanna be your man
Let's break the
Speed of sound
Cause we're goin'
Way to fast
Lookin' for a lover
Lookin' for a lover
Let me ask ya...
Is anybody out there?

Mirror lyrics:

Is anybody out there?
Let me ask ya...
Lookin' for a lover
Lookin' for a lover
Way to fast
Cause we're goin'
Speed of sound
Let's break the
Wanna be your man
Wanna be your dog

Is anybody out there??????
Let me ask ya...
Lookin' for a lover??
Lookin' for love
Out of time
Cause we're runnin'
We gotta live for tonight
You're gonna die
I'm gonna die

Is anybody out there???
Let me ask ya...
Lookin' for a lover
Lookin' for love??

Way to fast
Cause we're goin'
Speed of sound
Let's break the
Wanna be your man
Wanna be your dog

Relevant Tags:
AAnybody OOut TThere nybody ut here nAybody uOt hTere znybody kut fhere zAnybody kOut fThere Aznybody Okut Tfhere
qnybody 9ut 5here qAnybody 9Out 5There Aqnybody O9ut T5here snybody 0ut hhere sAnybody 0Out hThere Asnybody O0ut Thhere
wnybody lut yhere wAnybody lOut yThere Awnybody Olut Tyhere xnybody iut 6here xAnybody iOut 6There Axnybody Oiut T6here
Annybody Ouut ghere Aybody Ot gThere Aynbody Otu Tghere Amybody Oht rhere Amnybody Ohut rThere Anmybody Ouht Trhere
Ahybody O7t Ahnybody O7ut Tere Anhybody Ou7t Tehre Ajybody Okt Tjere Ajnybody Tjhere Anjybody Oukt Thjere
Abybody Oit Tuere Abnybody Tuhere Anbybody Ouit Thuere Anyybody O8t Tnere Anbody O8ut Tnhere Anbyody Ou8t Thnere
Angbody Ojt Tbere Angybody Ojut Tbhere Anygbody Oujt Thbere Anhbody Oyt Tgere Oyut Anyhbody Ouyt Thgere
An6body Outt Tyere An6ybody Ou Any6body Out Thyere Anubody Ouf Theere Anuybody Ouft Thre Anyubody Outf Three
An7body Ou5 Thsre An7ybody Ou5t Thsere Any7body Out5 Thesre Anjbody Ouh Th3re Th3ere Anyjbody Outh The3re
Antbody Ouy Thfre Antybody Thfere Anytbody Outy Thefre Anybbody Ou6 Thrre Anyody Ou6t Threre Anyobdy Out6 Therre
Anyvody Oug Th4re Anyvbody Ougt Th4ere Anybvody Outg The4re Anygody Our Thdre Ourt Thdere Anybgody Outr Thedre

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