Mystic Roots
Constant Struggle

Money never nuff to chase all my cares away
(We're living in a constant struggle)
The systems always rough it's breaking I down each day
(We're living in a constant struggle)
My people are addicted to the poisons of modern day I say
(We're living in a constant struggle)
So evil and corrupt I'm starting to loose my way
(We're living in a constant struggle)

Are we using the gifts we've been given
There is beauty in this life that we're living now!

We're living in a constant struggle
A constant struggle
We're living in a constant struggle

The family is lost with children left to pay the cost
(We're living in a constant struggle)
Communities are gone lord tell me where did we go wrong
(We're living in a constant struggle)
Relationships are so hard to come by
When they do they often break your heart
Through these changes your life rearrangement
That we find out who we really are

Mirror lyrics:

That we find out who we really are
Through these changes your life rearrangement
When they do they often break your heart
Relationships are so hard to come by
(We're living in a constant struggle)
Communities are gone lord tell me where did we go wrong
(We're living in a constant struggle)
The family is lost with children left to pay the cost

We're living in a constant struggle
A constant struggle
We're living in a constant struggle

There is beauty in this life that we're living now!
Are we using the gifts we've been given

(We're living in a constant struggle)
So evil and corrupt I'm starting to loose my way
(We're living in a constant struggle)
My people are addicted to the poisons of modern day I say
(We're living in a constant struggle)
The systems always rough it's breaking I down each day
(We're living in a constant struggle)
Money never nuff to chase all my cares away

Relevant Tags:
CConstant SStruggle onstant truggle oCnstant tSruggle fonstant ztruggle fConstant zStruggle Cfonstant Sztruggle
xonstant wtruggle xConstant wStruggle Cxonstant Swtruggle vonstant dtruggle vConstant dStruggle Cvonstant Sdtruggle
donstant etruggle dConstant eStruggle Cdonstant Setruggle Coonstant xtruggle Cnstant xStruggle Cnostant Sxtruggle
Cknstant atruggle Ckonstant aStruggle Coknstant Satruggle C9nstant Sttruggle C9onstant Sruggle Co9nstant Srtuggle
C0nstant Sfruggle C0onstant Sftruggle Co0nstant Stfruggle Clnstant S5ruggle Clonstant S5truggle Colnstant St5ruggle
Cinstant Shruggle Cionstant Shtruggle Coinstant Sthruggle Connstant Syruggle Costant Sytruggle Cosntant Styruggle
Comstant S6ruggle Comnstant S6truggle Conmstant St6ruggle Cohstant Sgruggle Cohnstant Sgtruggle Conhstant Stgruggle
Cojstant Srruggle Cojnstant Srtruggle Conjstant Strruggle Cobstant Cobnstant Stuggle Conbstant Sturggle
Consstant Stduggle Contant Stdruggle Contsant Strduggle Conztant St4uggle Conzstant St4ruggle Consztant Str4uggle
Conwtant Stguggle Conwstant Conswtant Strguggle Condtant Sttuggle Condstant Consdtant Strtuggle
Conetant St5uggle Conestant Consetant Str5uggle Conxtant Stfuggle Conxstant Consxtant Strfuggle
Conatant Steuggle Conastant Steruggle Consatant Streuggle Consttant Struuggle Consant Strggle Consatnt Strgugle
Consfant Strhggle Consftant Strhuggle Constfant Struhggle Cons5ant Str7ggle Cons5tant Str7uggle Const5ant Stru7ggle

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