Most Precious Blood
Life During Wartime

Sleepless nights on the hardwood floors
The sweet lullaby of slamming doors
We spend our time watching raindrops race up windshields
We spend our time waiting in line
Only to die
If only I could sit down with you one more time
Tell me the story that never ends
Play me the record that never ends
If only I could sit down with you one more time
I wouldn't wish this misery on my worst enemy
Gangrene hearts unite tonight

Mirror lyrics:

Gangrene hearts unite tonight
I wouldn't wish this misery on my worst enemy
If only I could sit down with you one more time
Play me the record that never ends
Tell me the story that never ends
If only I could sit down with you one more time
Only to die
We spend our time waiting in line
We spend our time watching raindrops race up windshields
The sweet lullaby of slamming doors
Sleepless nights on the hardwood floors

Relevant Tags:
LLife DDuring WWartime ife uring artime iLfe uDring aWrtime kife xuring aartime kLife xDuring aWartime Lkife Dxuring Waartime
oife euring 3artime oLife eDuring 3Wartime Loife Deuring W3artime pife furing dartime pLife fDuring dWartime Lpife Dfuring Wdartime
Liife ruring eartime Lfe rDuring eWartime Lfie Druring Weartime Ljfe curing sartime Ljife cDuring sWartime Lijfe Dcuring Wsartime
L9fe suring 2artime L9ife sDuring 2Wartime Li9fe Dsuring W2artime Llfe Duuring qartime Llife Dring qWartime Lilfe Druing Wqartime
Lofe Dhring Dhuring Wrtime Liofe Duhring Wratime Lkfe D7ring Wzrtime D7uring Wzartime Likfe Du7ring Wazrtime
L8fe Dkring Wqrtime L8ife Dkuring Li8fe Dukring Waqrtime Lufe Diring Wsrtime Luife Diuring Liufe Duiring Wasrtime
Liffe D8ring Wwrtime Lie D8uring Wwartime Lief Du8ring Wawrtime Lice Djring Wxrtime Licfe Djuring Wxartime Lifce Dujring Waxrtime
Lire Dyring Warrtime Lirfe Dyuring Watime Lifre Duyring Watrime Lige Durring Wadtime Ligfe Duing Wadrtime Lifge Duirng Wardtime
Lite Duding Wa4time Litfe Dudring Wa4rtime Lifte Durding War4time Live Du4ing Wagtime Livfe Du4ring Wagrtime Lifve Dur4ing Wargtime
Lide Duging Wattime Lidfe Dugring Watrtime Lifde Durging Warttime Lifee Duting Wa5time Lif Dutring Wa5rtime Life Durting War5time
Lifs Du5ing Waftime Lifse Du5ring Wafrtime Lifes Dur5ing Warftime Lif3 Dufing Waetime Lif3e Dufring Waertime Life3 Durfing Waretime
Liff Dueing Duering Warime Lifef Dureing Waritme Lifr Duriing Warfime

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