Broken Skin

Does it bother you, did it not obey you?
Does it anger you, did it not please you?

Does it bother you, did it not consider you?
Is it killing you, did it not care for you?

(I pray) these sores will never heal
Come touch with broken skin
I pray these wounds will never hurt
Come touch this broken skin

Did you want to pull the strings?
Become the master of all things?
And punish this, my gravest sin.
Bitter enemy of this, my broken skin.

You can never let this go.
Your superficial mind torments you so.
Bow down and admit defeat.
Old, weak and obsolete.

(I pray) these sores will never heal.
Come touch with broken skin.
I pray these wounds will never hurt.
Come touch this broken skin.

Gone too far, I've gone too far, is this me?
I am not me, am I somebody else?
I am not me, I wanna be myself.

Mirror lyrics:

I am not me, I wanna be myself.
I am not me, am I somebody else?
Gone too far, I've gone too far, is this me?

Come touch this broken skin.
I pray these wounds will never hurt.
Come touch with broken skin.
(I pray) these sores will never heal.

Old, weak and obsolete.
Bow down and admit defeat.
Your superficial mind torments you so.
You can never let this go.

Bitter enemy of this, my broken skin.
And punish this, my gravest sin.
Become the master of all things?
Did you want to pull the strings?

Come touch this broken skin
I pray these wounds will never hurt
Come touch with broken skin
(I pray) these sores will never heal

Is it killing you, did it not care for you?
Does it bother you, did it not consider you?

Does it anger you, did it not please you?
Does it bother you, did it not obey you?

Relevant Tags:
BBroken SSkin roken kin rBoken kSin vroken zkin vBroken zSkin Bvroken Szkin groken wkin gBroken wSkin Bgroken Swkin nroken dkin
nBroken dSkin Bnroken Sdkin hroken ekin hBroken eSkin Bhroken Sekin Brroken xkin Boken xSkin Borken Sxkin Bdoken akin Bdroken aSkin
Brdoken Sakin B4oken Skkin B4roken Sin Br4oken Sikn Bgoken Slin Slkin Brgoken Sklin Btoken Soin Btroken Sokin Brtoken Skoin
B5oken Smin B5roken Smkin Br5oken Skmin Bfoken Sjin Bfroken Sjkin Brfoken Skjin Beoken Siin Beroken Sikin Breoken Skiin Brooken
Brken Skn Brkoen Skni Brkken Skjn Brkoken Brokken Skijn Br9ken Sk9n Br9oken Sk9in Bro9ken Ski9n Br0ken Skln Br0oken
Bro0ken Skiln Brlken Skon Brloken Brolken Skion Briken Skkn

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