Mothers Of Invention
What's The Ugliest Part Of Your Body (reprise)

What's the ugliest

Part of your body?

(Darling, when I . . . )

What's the ugliest

Part of your body?

(Darling, when I look in your eyes . . . )

Some say your nose

Some say your toes

(My dearest, my darling, my . . . darling darling . . . )

But I think it's your MIND . . .

(My darling)

I think it's your mind

(The ugliest part of your darling)

I think it's your mind

(Your mind is ugly)

I think it's your mind

(Your mind . . .)

I think it's your mind

I think it's your mind

I think your mind is the ugliest part of your body

(Your body, your body, your body, your body . . . )

I think your mind is the ugliest part of your body

(Your mind it's ugly)

I think your mind is the ugliest part of your body

(Won't you please leave my nose alone!)

(Your body, your body)

(Don't touch my nose, thank you!)

Your body, your body . . .

Do it again!

Do it again!

Mirror lyrics:

Do it again!

Do it again!

Your body, your body . . .

(Don't touch my nose, thank you!)

(Your body, your body)

(Won't you please leave my nose alone!)

I think your mind is the ugliest part of your body

(Your mind it's ugly)

I think your mind is the ugliest part of your body

(Your body, your body, your body, your body . . . )

I think your mind is the ugliest part of your body

I think it's your mind

I think it's your mind

(Your mind . . .)

I think it's your mind

(Your mind is ugly)

I think it's your mind

(The ugliest part of your darling)

I think it's your mind

(My darling)

But I think it's your MIND . . .

(My dearest, my darling, my . . . darling darling . . . )

Some say your toes

Some say your nose

(Darling, when I look in your eyes . . . )

Part of your body?

What's the ugliest

(Darling, when I . . . )

Part of your body?

What's the ugliest

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