Mountain Goats
Alabama Nova

your house is depressing
your house is dirty
why don't you come outside a little while
why don't you step out into the sun
let me take you down
let me ease you around montgomery

and out there on the front porch
your hair shines in the sun
and i can see the sun gathering on your eyes
what the hell are you looking at

let me take you down
let me ease you around montgomery

Mirror lyrics:

let me ease you around montgomery
let me take you down

what the hell are you looking at
and i can see the sun gathering on your eyes
your hair shines in the sun
and out there on the front porch

let me ease you around montgomery
let me take you down
why don't you step out into the sun
why don't you come outside a little while
your house is dirty
your house is depressing

Relevant Tags:
AAlabama NNova labama ova lAabama oNva zlabama mova zAlabama mNova Azlabama Nmova qlabama hova qAlabama hNova Aqlabama Nhova
slabama jova sAlabama jNova Aslabama Njova wlabama bova wAlabama bNova Awlabama Nbova xlabama Noova xAlabama Nva Axlabama Nvoa
Allabama Nkva Aabama Nkova Aalbama Nokva Akabama N9va Aklabama N9ova Alkabama No9va Aoabama N0va Aolabama N0ova Aloabama No0va
Apabama Nlva Aplabama Nlova Alpabama Nolva Alaabama Niva Albama Niova Albaama Noiva Alzbama Novva Alzabama Noa Alazbama Noav
Alqbama Noba Alqabama Nobva Alaqbama Novba Alsbama Noca Alsabama Nocva Alasbama Novca Alwbama Noga Alwabama Nogva Alawbama Novga
Alxbama Nofa Alxabama Nofva Alaxbama Novfa Alabbama Novaa Alaama Nov Alaabma Nova Alavama Novz Alavbama Novza Alabvama Novaz
Alagama Novq Alagbama Novqa

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