Worst Case Scenario

Years of waiting now it's finally your turn
Drunk with power, full of hate, you'll show the world how to burn
Secure your own place in the warlord hall of fame
All should bow in respect to the master of the game

At best we think that this is just a mild form of oppression
But this is it, this is the big one, the sickest of obsessions

Start the fire, you're an arsonist old man
Let your fire rain on them, a part of your sick master plan
Kill all the enemies, make yourself a God
Then you rest, your work is done, salute your victory with blood

At best we think that this is just a mild form of oppression
But this is it, this is the big one, the sickest of obsessions

Mirror lyrics:

But this is it, this is the big one, the sickest of obsessions
At best we think that this is just a mild form of oppression

Then you rest, your work is done, salute your victory with blood
Kill all the enemies, make yourself a God
Let your fire rain on them, a part of your sick master plan
Start the fire, you're an arsonist old man

But this is it, this is the big one, the sickest of obsessions
At best we think that this is just a mild form of oppression

All should bow in respect to the master of the game
Secure your own place in the warlord hall of fame
Drunk with power, full of hate, you'll show the world how to burn
Years of waiting now it's finally your turn

Relevant Tags:
WWorst CCase SScenario orst ase cenario oWrst aCse cSenario aorst fase zcenario aWorst fCase zScenario Waorst Cfase Szcenario
3orst xase wcenario 3Worst xCase wScenario W3orst Cxase Swcenario dorst vase dcenario dWorst vCase dScenario Wdorst Cvase Sdcenario
eorst dase ecenario eWorst dCase eScenario Weorst Cdase Secenario sorst Caase xcenario sWorst Cse xScenario Wsorst Csae Sxcenario
2orst Czse acenario 2Worst Czase aScenario W2orst Cazse Sacenario qorst Cqse Sccenario qWorst Cqase Senario Wqorst Caqse Secnario
Woorst Csse Sfenario Wrst Csase Sfcenario Wrost Casse Scfenario Wkrst Cwse Sxenario Wkorst Cwase Wokrst Cawse Scxenario
W9rst Cxse Svenario W9orst Svcenario Wo9rst Caxse Scvenario W0rst Sdenario W0orst Cae Wo0rst Caes Scdenario
Wlrst Caze Sceenario Wlorst Scnario Wolrst Casze Scneario Wirst Cawe Scsnario Wiorst Scsenario Woirst Caswe Scesnario
Worrst Cade Sc3nario Wost Cadse Sc3enario Wosrt Casde Sce3nario Wodst Caee Scfnario Wodrst Caese Wordst Casee Scefnario
Wo4st Caxe Scrnario Wo4rst Screnario Wor4st Casxe Scernario Wogst Caae Sc4nario Wogrst Sc4enario Worgst Casae Sce4nario
Wotst Scdnario Wotrst Cas Wortst Case Scednario Wo5st Cass Scwnario Wo5rst Scwenario Wor5st Cases Scewnario
Wofst Cas3 Scennario Wofrst Cas3e Sceario Worfst Case3 Sceanrio Woest Casf Scemario Woerst Casfe Scemnario Worest Casef Scenmario
Worsst Casr Scehario Wort Casre Scehnario Worts Caser Scenhario Worzt Cas4 Scejario Worzst Cas4e Scejnario Worszt Case4 Scenjario
Worwt Casd Scebario Worwst Scebnario Worswt Cased Scenbario

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