No More Shadows From The Past

He Died For Me On The Cross
Took My Sins And Threw Them Away
he Lit The Fire In My Soul
At Last I've Reached My Goal

Hand In Hand Through The Fields Of Fire

No More Shadows From The Past
My Spirit Free, Free At Last

Here I Stand On The Road
The Road To Meet My Destiny
I'm Not Afraid ?Cause I'm Saved
Yes I'm Saved By A Living Truth

Mirror lyrics:

Yes I'm Saved By A Living Truth
I'm Not Afraid ?Cause I'm Saved
The Road To Meet My Destiny
Here I Stand On The Road

My Spirit Free, Free At Last
No More Shadows From The Past

Hand In Hand Through The Fields Of Fire

At Last I've Reached My Goal
he Lit The Fire In My Soul
Took My Sins And Threw Them Away
He Died For Me On The Cross

Relevant Tags:
NNo MMore SShadows FFrom TThe PPast o ore hadows rom he ast oN oMre hSadows rFom hTe aPst mo jore zhadows crom fhe 0ast mNo jMore zShadows cFrom fThe 0Past
Nmo Mjore Szhadows Fcrom Tfhe P0ast ho kore whadows rrom 5he last hNo kMore wShadows rFrom 5The lPast Nho Mkore Swhadows Frrom T5he Plast jo nore dhadows grom hhe oast
jNo nMore dShadows gFrom hThe oPast Njo Mnore Sdhadows Fgrom Thhe Poast bo Moore ehadows trom yhe Paast bNo Mre eShadows tFrom yThe Pst Nbo Mroe Sehadows Ftrom Tyhe Psat
Noo Mkre xhadows vrom 6he Pzst N xShadows vFrom 6The Pzast No Mokre Sxhadows Fvrom T6he Pazst Nk M9re ahadows drom ghe Pqst Nko M9ore aShadows dFrom gThe Pqast
Nok Mo9re Sahadows Fdrom Tghe Paqst N9 M0re Shhadows rhe Psst N9o M0ore Sadows Fom rThe Psast No9 Mo0re Sahdows Form Trhe Passt N0 Mlre Sjadows Fdom Pwst
N0o Mlore Sjhadows Te Pwast No0 Molre Shjadows Frdom Teh Pawst Nl Mire Suadows F4om Tje Pxst Nlo Miore Suhadows F4rom Tjhe Pxast Nol Moire Shuadows Fr4om Thje Paxst
Ni Morre Snadows Fgom Tue Nio Moe Snhadows Tuhe Pat Noi Moer Shnadows Frgom Thue Pats Mode Sbadows Ftom Tne Pazt Modre Sbhadows Tnhe
Morde Shbadows Frtom Thne Paszt Mo4e Sgadows F5om Tbe Pawt Mo4re Sghadows F5rom Tbhe Mor4e Shgadows Fr5om Thbe Paswt Moge Syadows Ffom Tge Padt
Mogre Syhadows Ffrom Padst Morge Shyadows Frfom Thge Pasdt Mote Shaadows Feom Tye Paet Motre Shdows Ferom Paest Morte Shdaows Freom Thye Paset
Mo5e Shzdows Froom Thee Paxt Mo5re Shzadows Frm Th Mor5e Shazdows Frmo The Pasxt Mofe Shqdows Frkm Ths Paat Mofre Shqadows Frkom Thse
Morfe Shaqdows Frokm Thes Pasat Moee Shsdows Fr9m Th3 Pastt Moere Shsadows Fr9om Th3e Pas Moree Shasdows Fro9m The3 Past Shwdows Fr0m Thf Pasf
Mor Shwadows Fr0om Thfe Pasft More Shawdows Fro0m Thef Pastf Mors Shxdows Frlm Thr Pas5 Morse Shxadows Frlom Thre Pas5t Mores Shaxdows Frolm Ther Past5
Mor3 Shaddows Frim Th4 Pash Mor3e Shaows Friom Th4e Pasht More3 Shaodws Froim The4 Pasth Morf Shaxows Fromm Thd Pasy Fro Thde Pasyt
Moref Shadxows From Thed Pasty Morr Shaeows Froj Thw Pas6 Shaedows Frojm Thwe Pas6t Morer Shadeows Fromj Thew Past6

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