Haruka Kanata (english)

Hit the gas! There's no need to finagle, oh yeah!
We'll go all through the night
I'll complain at the end, the balance is zero, oh yeah!
We'll whittle the days away...

When you open your heart a little, and pull someone close to you,
Your feelings will surely reach them deeper, yeah...

Hurry it up! Wring it out!
Though my legs are all tangled, they will surely take me far...
Even if I steal it and manage to grasp it,
If it isn't you, then what's the point?

So I'll go further and further away!

Hit the gas! There is no need to finagle, oh yeah!
We'll go all through the night
I'lll complain at the end, the balance is zero, oh yeah!
We'll whittle the days away...

When you open you open your heart a little, and pull someone close to you,
Your feelings will surely reach them deeper, yeah...

Hurry it up! Wring it out!
Though my legs are all tangled, they will surely take me far...
Even if I steal it and manage to grasp it,
If it isn't you, then what's the point?

So I'll go far into the distance...

Your world will become a thing of deceit
Painted all in white...

Mirror lyrics:

Painted all in white...
Your world will become a thing of deceit

So I'll go far into the distance...

If it isn't you, then what's the point?
Even if I steal it and manage to grasp it,
Though my legs are all tangled, they will surely take me far...
Hurry it up! Wring it out!

Your feelings will surely reach them deeper, yeah...
When you open you open your heart a little, and pull someone close to you,

We'll whittle the days away...
I'lll complain at the end, the balance is zero, oh yeah!
We'll go all through the night
Hit the gas! There is no need to finagle, oh yeah!

So I'll go further and further away!

If it isn't you, then what's the point?
Even if I steal it and manage to grasp it,
Though my legs are all tangled, they will surely take me far...
Hurry it up! Wring it out!

Your feelings will surely reach them deeper, yeah...
When you open your heart a little, and pull someone close to you,

We'll whittle the days away...
I'll complain at the end, the balance is zero, oh yeah!
We'll go all through the night
Hit the gas! There's no need to finagle, oh yeah!

Relevant Tags:
HHaruka KKanata ((english) aruka anata english) aHruka aKnata e(nglish) jaruka lanata (eenglish) jHaruka lKanata (nglish) Hjaruka Klanata (neglish)
uaruka oanata (snglish) uHaruka oKanata (senglish) Huaruka Koanata (esnglish) naruka manata (3nglish) nHaruka mKanata (3english) Hnaruka Kmanata (e3nglish)
baruka janata (fnglish) bHaruka jKanata (fenglish) Hbaruka Kjanata (efnglish) garuka ianata (rnglish) gHaruka iKanata (renglish) Hgaruka Kianata (ernglish)
yaruka Kaanata (4nglish) yHaruka Knata (4english) Hyaruka Knaata (e4nglish) Haaruka Kznata (dnglish) Hruka Kzanata (denglish) Hrauka Kaznata (ednglish)
Hzruka Kqnata (wnglish) Hzaruka Kqanata (wenglish) Hazruka Kaqnata (ewnglish) Hqruka Ksnata (ennglish) Hqaruka Ksanata (eglish) Haqruka Kasnata (egnlish)
Hsruka Kwnata (emglish) Hsaruka Kwanata (emnglish) Hasruka Kawnata (enmglish) Hwruka Kxnata (ehglish) Hwaruka Kxanata (ehnglish) Hawruka Kaxnata (enhglish)
Hxruka Kannata (ejglish) Hxaruka Kaata (ejnglish) Haxruka Kaanta (enjglish) Harruka Kamata (ebglish) Hauka Kamnata (ebnglish) Haurka Kanmata (enbglish)
Haduka Kahata (engglish) Hadruka Kahnata (enlish) Harduka Kanhata (enlgish) Ha4uka Kajata (enhlish) Ha4ruka Kajnata Har4uka Kanjata (enghlish)
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Ha5uka Kanzta (envlish) Ha5ruka Kanzata (envglish) Har5uka Kanazta (engvlish) Hafuka Kanqta (enflish) Hafruka Kanqata (enfglish) Harfuka Kanaqta (engflish)
Haeuka Kansta (entlish) Haeruka Kansata (entglish) Hareuka Kanasta (engtlish) Haruuka Kanwta (engllish) Harka Kanwata (engish) Harkua Kanawta (engilsh)
Harhka Kanxta (engkish) Harhuka Kanxata (engklish) Haruhka Kanaxta (englkish) Har7ka Kanatta (engoish)

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