Lifeguard On Duty

The work you chose has a practical vein
But I read much more into your name

Patrolling the length and the breadth of your pool
I call your name from the vestibule

Lifeguard, save me from life
Save me from life
Save me from life

Save from the ails and the ills
And from other things

The centre of the town is a dangerous zone
Drenched in phlegm every time that I come home

Lifeguard, save me from life
Save me from life
Save me from life

Save from the ails and the ills
And from other things

Love me, oh help me oh
Oh help me, ah help me oh

Lifeguard, guard me from life
Lifeguard, guard me from life

The last bus home is the dangerous one
A baseball bat across the collarbone

Lifeguard, save me from life
Save me from life
Save me from life

'Cause it's the only life I'll ever have
I'm always good, I'm never bad
And I've always been so kind
To the sick and to the partially blind

Save me from life

Mirror lyrics:

Save me from life

To the sick and to the partially blind
And I've always been so kind
I'm always good, I'm never bad
'Cause it's the only life I'll ever have

Save me from life
Save me from life
Lifeguard, save me from life

A baseball bat across the collarbone
The last bus home is the dangerous one

Lifeguard, guard me from life
Lifeguard, guard me from life

Oh help me, ah help me oh
Love me, oh help me oh

And from other things
Save from the ails and the ills

Save me from life
Save me from life
Lifeguard, save me from life

Drenched in phlegm every time that I come home
The centre of the town is a dangerous zone

And from other things
Save from the ails and the ills

Save me from life
Save me from life
Lifeguard, save me from life

I call your name from the vestibule
Patrolling the length and the breadth of your pool

But I read much more into your name
The work you chose has a practical vein

Relevant Tags:
LLifeguard OOn DDuty ifeguard n uty iLfeguard nO uDty kifeguard kn xuty kLifeguard kOn xDuty Lkifeguard Okn Dxuty
oifeguard 9n euty oLifeguard 9On eDuty Loifeguard O9n Deuty pifeguard 0n futy pLifeguard 0On fDuty Lpifeguard O0n Dfuty
Liifeguard ln ruty Lfeguard lOn rDuty Lfieguard Oln Druty Ljfeguard in cuty Ljifeguard iOn cDuty Lijfeguard Oin Dcuty
L9feguard Onn suty L9ifeguard O sDuty Li9feguard On Dsuty Llfeguard Om Duuty Llifeguard Omn Dty Lilfeguard Onm Dtuy
Lofeguard Oh Dhty Ohn Dhuty Liofeguard Onh Duhty Lkfeguard Oj D7ty Ojn D7uty Likfeguard Onj Du7ty
L8feguard Ob Dkty L8ifeguard Obn Dkuty Li8feguard Onb Dukty Lufeguard Dity Luifeguard Diuty Liufeguard Duity
Liffeguard D8ty Lieguard D8uty Liefguard Du8ty Liceguard Djty Licfeguard Djuty Lifceguard Dujty
Lireguard Dyty Lirfeguard Dyuty Lifreguard Duyty Ligeguard Dutty Ligfeguard Duy Lifgeguard Duyt
Liteguard Dufy Litfeguard Dufty Lifteguard Dutfy Liveguard Du5y Livfeguard Du5ty Lifveguard Dut5y
Lideguard Duhy Lidfeguard Lifdeguard Duthy Lifeeguard Duyy Lifguard Lifgeuard Dutyy
Lifsguard Du6y Lifseguard Du6ty Lifesguard Dut6y Lif3guard Dugy Lif3eguard Dugty Life3guard Dutgy
Liffguard Dury Durty Lifefguard Dutry Lifrguard Dut Liferguard Duty
Lif4guard Dutg Lif4eguard Life4guard Dutyg Lifdguard Duth Lifedguard Dutyh Lifwguard Dut6
Lifweguard Lifewguard Duty6 Lifegguard Dutu Lifeuard Dutuy Lifeugard Dutyu Lifehuard Dut7
Lifehguard Dut7y Lifeghuard Duty7 Lifeyuard Dutj Lifeyguard Dutjy

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