Morning Runner
Be All You Want Me To Be

Be all that you want me to be
I wont take this lying down
All the time, All the time, All the time

And see all that you want me to see
I wont take this lying down
All the time, All the time, All the time

You can make it, don't sigh,
I know I know I know It's not a bed of roses
I know I know I know

You can make it, don't sigh,
I know I know I know It's not a bed of roses
I know I know I know

Break all that you want me to break
You wont keep me quiet now
All the time, All the time, All the time

Deal the hand your wish that I would deal
You wont keep me quiet now
All the time, All the time, All the time

You can make it, don't sigh,
I know I know I know Its not a bed, of roses
I know I know I know
You can make it, don't sigh,
I know I know I know It's not a bed of roses
I know I know I know
You I'll find, I wont see you inside
I wont feel you loud and clear I cant see you in the dark,
I cant see you in the lights, Oh what a sorry sight

Mirror lyrics:

I cant see you in the lights, Oh what a sorry sight
I wont feel you loud and clear I cant see you in the dark,
You I'll find, I wont see you inside
I know I know I know
I know I know I know It's not a bed of roses
You can make it, don't sigh,
I know I know I know
I know I know I know Its not a bed, of roses
You can make it, don't sigh,

All the time, All the time, All the time
You wont keep me quiet now
Deal the hand your wish that I would deal

All the time, All the time, All the time
You wont keep me quiet now
Break all that you want me to break

I know I know I know
I know I know I know It's not a bed of roses
You can make it, don't sigh,

I know I know I know
I know I know I know It's not a bed of roses
You can make it, don't sigh,

All the time, All the time, All the time
I wont take this lying down
And see all that you want me to see

All the time, All the time, All the time
I wont take this lying down
Be all that you want me to be

Relevant Tags:
BBe AAll YYou WWant MMe TTo BBe e ll ou ant e o e eB lAl oYu aWnt eM oT eB ve zll gou aant je fo ve vBe zAll gYou aWant jMe fTo vBe Bve Azll Ygou Waant Mje Tfo Bve
ge qll hou 3ant ke 5o ge gBe qAll hYou 3Want kMe 5To gBe Bge Aqll Yhou W3ant Mke T5o Bge ne sll 6ou dant ne ho ne nBe sAll 6You dWant nMe hTo nBe Bne Asll Y6ou Wdant Mne Tho Bne
he wll uou eant Mee yo he hBe wAll uYou eWant M yTo hBe Bhe Awll Yuou Weant Me Tyo Bhe Bee xll 7ou sant Ms 6o Bee B xAll 7You sWant Mse 6To B Be Axll Y7ou Wsant Mes T6o Be
Bs Alll jou 2ant M3 go Bs Bse Al jYou 2Want M3e gTo Bse Bes All Yjou W2ant Me3 Tgo Bes B3 Akl tou qant Mf ro B3 B3e Akll tYou qWant Mfe rTo B3e Be3 Alkl Ytou Wqant Mef Tro Be3
Bf Aol Yoou Mr Too Bf Bfe Aoll Yu Wnt Mre T Bfe Bef Alol Yuo Wnat Mer To Bef Br Apl Yku Wznt M4 Tk Br Bre Apll Ykou Wzant M4e Tko Bre Ber Alpl Yoku Waznt Me4 Tok Ber
B4 Y9u Wqnt Md T9 B4 B4e Y9ou Mde T9o B4e Be4 Yo9u Waqnt Med To9 Be4 Bd Alk Y0u Wsnt Mw T0 Bd Bde Y0ou Mwe T0o Bde Bed Allk Yo0u Wasnt Mew To0 Bed
Bw Alo Ylu Wwnt Tl Bw Bwe Ylou Wwant Tlo Bwe Bew Allo Yolu Wawnt Tol Bew

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