The Loop

I just wanna say
I haven't been away
I'm still right here
Where I always was
So one day, if you're bored
By all means call
Because you can do
(But only if you want to)

I just wanna say
I haven't been away
I am still right here
Where I always was
So one day, when you're bored
By all means call
Because you can do
But you might not get through

Mirror lyrics:

But you might not get through
Because you can do
By all means call
So one day, when you're bored
Where I always was
I am still right here
I haven't been away
I just wanna say

(But only if you want to)
Because you can do
By all means call
So one day, if you're bored
Where I always was
I'm still right here
I haven't been away
I just wanna say

Relevant Tags:
TThe LLoop he oop hTe oLop fhe koop fThe kLoop Tfhe Lkoop 5he ooop 5The oLoop T5he Looop hhe poop hThe pLoop
Thhe Lpoop yhe yThe Lop Tyhe Loop 6he Lkop 6The T6he Lokop ghe L9op gThe L9oop Tghe Lo9op rhe L0op
rThe L0oop Trhe Lo0op Llop Te Lloop Teh Lolop Tje Liop Tjhe Lioop Thje Loiop Tue Tuhe Thue Lopo

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