Moor Hound
Carried Away

I'll throw away your trust
To court another out of lust
What you see is just a shield
The man inside will be revealed

Your power inebriates the mind
Makes a tired man's eyes blind
Just cut a hole in my brain
Let desire be carried away

How cruel, how generous
This void inside of us
Some are filled, some minds roam still
Scream into your pillow
I don't need much
I'm just curious

Mirror lyrics:

I'm just curious
I don't need much
Scream into your pillow
Some are filled, some minds roam still
This void inside of us
How cruel, how generous

Let desire be carried away
Just cut a hole in my brain
Makes a tired man's eyes blind
Your power inebriates the mind

The man inside will be revealed
What you see is just a shield
To court another out of lust
I'll throw away your trust

Relevant Tags:
CCarried AAway arried way aCrried wAay farried zway fCarried zAway Cfarried Azway xarried qway xCarried qAway Cxarried Aqway
varried sway vCarried sAway Cvarried Asway darried wway dCarried wAway Cdarried Awway Caarried xway Crried xAway Craried Axway
Czrried Czarried Aay Cazrried Aawy Cqrried Aaay Cqarried Aaway Caqrried Awaay Csrried A3ay Csarried A3way Casrried Aw3ay
Cwrried Aday Cwarried Adway Cawrried Awday Cxrried Aeay Aeway Caxrried Aweay Carrried Asay Caried Carried Awsay
Cadried A2ay Cadrried A2way Cardried Aw2ay Ca4ried Aqay Ca4rried Car4ried Awqay Cagried Cagrried Awy Cargried Awya
Catried Awzy Catrried Awzay Cartried Awazy Ca5ried Awqy Ca5rried Car5ried Awaqy Cafried Awsy Cafrried Carfried Awasy
Caeried Awwy Caerried Careried Awawy Awxy Awxay Carired Awaxy Cardied Awayy Awa Carrdied Away
Car4ied Awag Awagy Carr4ied Awayg Cargied Awah

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