Self Abuse

On my knees now
I´ll inflict myself some real Love
On my knees now
I´ll choke myself
in troubled Love

On my knees now
I´ll purge myself of real Love
On my knees now
I swear - I know nothing
of that troubled Love

I am a Man again
through Self-Abuse
Improving myself
Through Self-Abuse

On my knees now
I´ll end myself through real Love
On my knees now
I´ll reveal myself
in troubled Blood

Waste me, waste me - waste me
Never try to beat me

I am a Man again
Through Self-Abuse
Improving myself
Through Self-Abuse

I am seeking someone
Sneaking through
my troubled Blood

I am feeling someone
Starving for my troubled Love

Never try to compete with me

Mirror lyrics:

Never try to compete with me

Starving for my troubled Love
I am feeling someone

my troubled Blood
Sneaking through
I am seeking someone

Through Self-Abuse
Improving myself
Through Self-Abuse
I am a Man again

Never try to beat me
Waste me, waste me - waste me

in troubled Blood
I´ll reveal myself
On my knees now
I´ll end myself through real Love
On my knees now

Through Self-Abuse
Improving myself
through Self-Abuse
I am a Man again

of that troubled Love
I swear - I know nothing
On my knees now
I´ll purge myself of real Love
On my knees now

in troubled Love
I´ll choke myself
On my knees now
I´ll inflict myself some real Love
On my knees now

Relevant Tags:
SSelf AAbuse elf buse eSlf bAuse zelf zbuse zSelf zAbuse Szelf Azbuse welf qbuse wSelf qAbuse Swelf Aqbuse delf sbuse dSelf sAbuse
Sdelf Asbuse eelf wbuse eSelf wAbuse Seelf Awbuse xelf xbuse xSelf xAbuse Sxelf Axbuse aelf Abbuse aSelf Ause Saelf Aubse Avuse
Slf Avbuse Slef Abvuse Sslf Aguse Sself Agbuse Seslf Abguse S3lf Anuse S3elf Anbuse Se3lf Abnuse Sflf Ahuse Sfelf Ahbuse Seflf Abhuse
Srlf Abuuse Srelf Abse Serlf Absue S4lf Abhse S4elf Se4lf Abuhse Sdlf Ab7se Ab7use Sedlf Abu7se Swlf Abkse Abkuse
Sewlf Abukse Sellf Abise Sef Abiuse Sefl Abuise Sekf Ab8se

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