Moya Brennan

River, did you bring me here?

Touch me now

Wipe away my fear

I will follow you along the river

There many years carved the way

I am reaching for love that's gone astray

Now I cannot sleep some days

Beyond faded tears I hide

I wish the rain would stay away

River, did you bring me here?

Touch me now

Wipe away my fear

River miles and miles still flow

Shake this land

Reap where sounds will grow

How his love journeys on the river

Heart of darkness endless trail

I am feeling the edge, can I be strong?

Now I will believe your song

Beneath diamond skies I dream

Two lonely hearts no more belong

River, did you bring me here?

Touch me now

Wipe away my fear

River miles and miles still flow

Shake this land

Reap where sounds will grow

Mirror lyrics:

Reap where sounds will grow

Shake this land

River miles and miles still flow

Wipe away my fear

Touch me now

River, did you bring me here?

Two lonely hearts no more belong

Beneath diamond skies I dream

Now I will believe your song

I am feeling the edge, can I be strong?

Heart of darkness endless trail

How his love journeys on the river

Reap where sounds will grow

Shake this land

River miles and miles still flow

Wipe away my fear

Touch me now

River, did you bring me here?

I wish the rain would stay away

Beyond faded tears I hide

Now I cannot sleep some days

I am reaching for love that's gone astray

There many years carved the way

I will follow you along the river

Wipe away my fear

Touch me now

River, did you bring me here?

Relevant Tags:
RRiver iver iRver diver dRiver Rdiver 4iver 4River R4iver giver gRiver
Rgiver tiver tRiver Rtiver 5iver 5River R5iver fiver fRiver Rfiver eiver
eRiver Reiver Riiver Rver Rvier Rjver Rjiver Rijver R9ver R9iver Ri9ver
Rlver Rliver Rilver Rover Roiver Riover Rkver Rkiver Rikver R8ver R8iver
Ri8ver Ruver Ruiver Riuver Rivver Rier Rievr Riber Ribver

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