One Way Culture

I wanna help my people

They are down and need my song

I wanna join the rebels

And free this country once for all

The rich enjoy the laws they make

They turn the people against their own

Shouldn't we conquer our lives back?

And fight for what the young kids have

One-way culture

One-way street

Some will suffer

Some will eat

"My son, you frightened me

I don't know you anymore"

"But I'm a man now can't you see

And life no longer wait for me"

We will buy liberty with blood

The one-way culture must be stopped

I am young and I belong to strength and

Hope for life itself

One-way culture

One-way street

Some will suffer

Some will eat

Mirror lyrics:

Some will eat

Some will suffer

One-way street

One-way culture

Hope for life itself

I am young and I belong to strength and

The one-way culture must be stopped

We will buy liberty with blood

And life no longer wait for me"

"But I'm a man now can't you see

I don't know you anymore"

"My son, you frightened me

Some will eat

Some will suffer

One-way street

One-way culture

And fight for what the young kids have

Shouldn't we conquer our lives back?

They turn the people against their own

The rich enjoy the laws they make

And free this country once for all

I wanna join the rebels

They are down and need my song

I wanna help my people

Relevant Tags:
OOne WWay CCulture ne ay ulture nOe aWy uClture kne aay fulture kOne aWay fCulture Okne Waay Cfulture 9ne 3ay xulture
9One 3Way xCulture O9ne W3ay Cxulture 0ne day vulture 0One dWay vCulture O0ne Wday Cvulture lne eay dulture lOne eWay dCulture
Olne Weay Cdulture ine say Cuulture iOne sWay Clture Oine Wsay Cluture Onne 2ay Chlture Oe 2Way Chulture Oen W2ay Cuhlture
Ome qay C7lture Omne qWay C7ulture Onme Wqay Cu7lture Ohe Cklture Ohne Wy Ckulture Onhe Wya Cuklture Oje Wzy Cilture
Ojne Wzay Ciulture Onje Wazy Cuilture Obe Wqy C8lture Obne C8ulture Onbe Waqy Cu8lture Onee Wsy Cjlture On Cjulture
One Wasy Cujlture Ons Wwy Cylture Onse Wway Cyulture Ones Wawy Cuylture On3 Wxy Cullture On3e Wxay Cuture One3 Waxy Cutlure
Onf Wayy Cukture Onfe Wa Onef Way Culkture Onr Wag Cuoture Onre Wagy Cuolture Oner Wayg Culoture On4 Wah Cupture
On4e Wahy Cuplture One4 Wayh Culpture Ond Wa6 Cultture Onde Wa6y Culure Oned Way6 Culutre Onw Wau Culfure Onwe Wauy Culfture
Onew Wayu Cultfure Wa7 Cul5ure Wa7y Cul5ture Way7 Cult5ure Waj Culhure Wajy Culhture Wayj Culthure
Wat Culyure Waty Culyture Wayt Cultyure Cul6ure Cul6ture Cult6ure Culgure

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