Mark Lanegan

Fix, it's true
Keeps on rainin', baby
It's all crystalline
Your word in my head
Gonna watch from the balcony
Sing backwards and we

Fix, it's true
Keeps on raining, baby
There's no explainin', baby, yeah, yeah
Gonna drive that Terraplane
Across the frozen ocean
We've always been together as good

Love will be what's hidden
Every single fragment
I look and I fly
A flower born from you
I am joined with you
And adorned with you, yeah

Fix, it's true
Gonna keep raining, baby
Oh, yeah, yeah, yes
And it's you that I'm missing
Won't come up missing

Well, I'm torn from you
Want to be reborn with you
It's all crystalline, baby

Fix, it's true
Keeps on rainin', baby
Keeps on rainin', baby
Drive that Terraplane
Down into the ocean
We've always been together as good

Got no need for shelter
Everything's forgotten
All is forgiven and understood
A flower born from you, reborn in you
And adorned, baby, when I am joined with you

Fix, it's true
Keeps on rainin', baby
Keeps on rainin', baby

Mirror lyrics:

Keeps on rainin', baby
Keeps on rainin', baby
Fix, it's true

And adorned, baby, when I am joined with you
A flower born from you, reborn in you
All is forgiven and understood
Everything's forgotten
Got no need for shelter

We've always been together as good
Down into the ocean
Drive that Terraplane
Keeps on rainin', baby
Keeps on rainin', baby
Fix, it's true

It's all crystalline, baby
Want to be reborn with you
Well, I'm torn from you

Won't come up missing
And it's you that I'm missing
Oh, yeah, yeah, yes
Gonna keep raining, baby
Fix, it's true

And adorned with you, yeah
I am joined with you
A flower born from you
I look and I fly
Every single fragment
Love will be what's hidden

We've always been together as good
Across the frozen ocean
Gonna drive that Terraplane
There's no explainin', baby, yeah, yeah
Keeps on raining, baby
Fix, it's true

Sing backwards and we
Gonna watch from the balcony
Your word in my head
It's all crystalline
Keeps on rainin', baby
Fix, it's true

Relevant Tags:
FFix ix iFx cix cFix Fcix rix rFix Frix gix gFix
Fgix tix tFix Ftix vix vFix Fvix dix dFix Fdix Fiix
Fx Fxi Fjx Fjix Fijx F9x F9ix Fi9x

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