Mark Wills
Love Can't

Drip, drop, down it came from the
Roof top, morning rain, hope it
Don't stop it's been a long dry spell, well, I'm
Pretty sure it's a sign we need to
Call work and tell a white lie, sayin'
Head hurts, you're not feeling too well
C'mon baby, let the world carry on without you
Right this minute ain't nobody need you more than I do

Hey, we need a little fixing
There ain't nothin' love can't
So what do you sayin'
We pull the covers over
Get a little closer and
Do some catchin' up
A little you know what
It's all about us today
The world can wait
But love can't

Don't you miss having the time for a
Long, kiss, you know, the kind where your
Hearts skips and leads to other things, why don't I
Lock up, you get the shades, never mind
I don't want to waste One touch, I'm where I want to be

With you next to me

Repeat Chorus Twice

Mirror lyrics:

Repeat Chorus Twice

With you next to me

I don't want to waste One touch, I'm where I want to be
Lock up, you get the shades, never mind
Hearts skips and leads to other things, why don't I
Long, kiss, you know, the kind where your
Don't you miss having the time for a

But love can't
The world can wait
It's all about us today
A little you know what
Do some catchin' up
Get a little closer and
We pull the covers over
So what do you sayin'
There ain't nothin' love can't
Hey, we need a little fixing

Right this minute ain't nobody need you more than I do
C'mon baby, let the world carry on without you
Head hurts, you're not feeling too well
Call work and tell a white lie, sayin'
Pretty sure it's a sign we need to
Don't stop it's been a long dry spell, well, I'm
Roof top, morning rain, hope it
Drip, drop, down it came from the

Relevant Tags:
LLove CCan't ove an't oLve aCn't kove fan't kLove fCan't Lkove Cfan't oove xan't oLove xCan't Loove Cxan't pove van't pLove vCan't
Lpove Cvan't dan't Lve dCan't Lvoe Cdan't Lkve Caan't Cn't Lokve Cna't L9ve Czn't L9ove Czan't Lo9ve Cazn't L0ve Cqn't
L0ove Cqan't Lo0ve Caqn't Llve Csn't Llove Csan't Lolve Casn't Live Cwn't Liove Cwan't Loive Cawn't Lovve Cxn't Loe Loev Caxn't
Lobe Cann't Lobve Ca't Lovbe Ca'nt Loce Cam't

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