Mark Wills
Singer In A Band

(Tim Mensy - Gary Harrison)

I'll be glad to sign my autograph
If you want me to
God knows I love singing
It's what I was born to do.

You see me up there center stage
In the spotlight for awhile
But in the things that really matter
I'm just sittin' on the aisle.

'Cause I've seen a third grade angel
With dark circles 'neath her eyes
Not a trace of hair left on her head
Sayin' daddy please don't cry.

A single mom working overtime
A college kid reading to the blind
When you look for heroes know that
I'm just a singer in a band.

I'm thankful to be living in
This childhood dream come true
But sometimes the attention
Just leaves me confused.

Yeah, I love my t-shirt on those kids
My name there up in lights
But when the show is done and I'm on the bus
Riding through the night.

I think of New York City
And those firemen and cops
Who ran in and laid down their lives
Because it was their job.

A soldier in a field of mines
With each step he lays it on the line
When you look for heroes know that
I'm just a singer in a band.

I'm humble when you take the time
To hear my life and verse and rhyme
But when you look for heroes know that
I'm just a singer in a band.

A singer in a band.

I'll be glad to sign my autograph
If you want me to
God knows I love singing
It's what I was born to do...

Mirror lyrics:

It's what I was born to do...
God knows I love singing
If you want me to
I'll be glad to sign my autograph

A singer in a band.

I'm just a singer in a band.
But when you look for heroes know that
To hear my life and verse and rhyme
I'm humble when you take the time

I'm just a singer in a band.
When you look for heroes know that
With each step he lays it on the line
A soldier in a field of mines

Because it was their job.
Who ran in and laid down their lives
And those firemen and cops
I think of New York City

Riding through the night.
But when the show is done and I'm on the bus
My name there up in lights
Yeah, I love my t-shirt on those kids

Just leaves me confused.
But sometimes the attention
This childhood dream come true
I'm thankful to be living in

I'm just a singer in a band.
When you look for heroes know that
A college kid reading to the blind
A single mom working overtime

Sayin' daddy please don't cry.
Not a trace of hair left on her head
With dark circles 'neath her eyes
'Cause I've seen a third grade angel

I'm just sittin' on the aisle.
But in the things that really matter
In the spotlight for awhile
You see me up there center stage

It's what I was born to do.
God knows I love singing
If you want me to
I'll be glad to sign my autograph

(Tim Mensy - Gary Harrison)

Relevant Tags:
SSinger IIn AA BBand inger n and iSnger nI A aBnd zinger jn z vand zSinger jIn zA vBand Szinger Ijn Az Bvand winger 9n q gand
wSinger 9In qA gBand Swinger I9n Aq Bgand dinger ln s nand dSinger lIn sA nBand Sdinger Iln As Bnand einger on w hand eSinger oIn wA hBand
Seinger Ion Aw Bhand xinger kn x Baand xSinger kIn xA Bnd Sxinger Ikn Ax Bnad ainger 8n Bznd aSinger 8In Bzand Sainger I8n Baznd
Siinger un Bqnd Snger uIn Bqand Sniger Iun Baqnd Sjnger Inn Bsnd Sjinger I Bsand Sijnger In Basnd S9nger Im Bwnd
S9inger Imn Bwand Si9nger Inm Bawnd Slnger Ih Bxnd Slinger Ihn Bxand Silnger Inh Baxnd Songer Ij Bannd Soinger Bad
Sionger Inj Badn Sknger Ib Bamd Skinger Ibn Bamnd Siknger Inb Banmd S8nger Bahd S8inger Bahnd Si8nger Banhd
Sunger Bajd Suinger Bajnd Siunger Banjd Sinnger Babd Siger Babnd Signer Banbd Simger Bandd
Simnger Ban Sinmger Band Sihger Banx Sihnger Banxd Sinhger Bandx Sijger Bane Baned
Sinjger Bande Sibger Banf Sibnger Banfd Sinbger Bandf

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