Mark Collie
All I Want Is You

I don't want a lot of things
I don't need a party every night to keep me entertained
I don't want to sing that kind of tune, all I want is you

Listen, I don't want a pot of gold
I don't need all the silver my bank account can hold
I don't want to be that kind of fool, all I want is you

All I want is you, all I want to do is love you
Your arms around me tight every day and night
I want to love you strong and true, all I want is you

Mercy naw, na na, naw, na na

All I want is you
All I want is you, all I want to
Naw, na na, naw, na na, naw, na na, naw, na na

Mirror lyrics:

Naw, na na, naw, na na, naw, na na, naw, na na
All I want is you, all I want to
All I want is you

Mercy naw, na na, naw, na na

I want to love you strong and true, all I want is you
Your arms around me tight every day and night
All I want is you, all I want to do is love you

I don't want to be that kind of fool, all I want is you
I don't need all the silver my bank account can hold
Listen, I don't want a pot of gold

I don't want to sing that kind of tune, all I want is you
I don't need a party every night to keep me entertained
I don't want a lot of things

Relevant Tags:
AAll II WWant IIs YYou ll ant s ou lAl I aWnt sI oYu zll j aant js gou zAll jI aWant jIs gYou Azll Ij Waant Ijs Ygou
qll 9 3ant 9s hou qAll 9I 3Want 9Is hYou Aqll I9 W3ant I9s Yhou sll l dant ls 6ou sAll lI dWant lIs 6You Asll Il Wdant Ils Y6ou
wll o eant os uou wAll oI eWant oIs uYou Awll Io Weant Ios Yuou xll k sant ks 7ou xAll kI sWant kIs 7You Axll Ik Wsant Iks Y7ou
Alll 8 2ant 8s jou Al 8I 2Want 8Is jYou All I8 W2ant I8s Yjou Akl u qant us tou Akll uI qWant uIs tYou Alkl Iu Wqant Ius Ytou
Aol Iss Yoou Aoll Wnt I Yu Alol Wnat Is Yuo Apl Wznt Iz Yku Apll Wzant Izs Ykou Alpl Waznt Isz Yoku
Wqnt Iw Y9u Iws Y9ou Waqnt Isw Yo9u Alk Wsnt Id Y0u Ids Y0ou Allk Wasnt Isd Yo0u
Alo Wwnt Ie Ylu Wwant Ies Ylou Allo Wawnt Ise Yolu

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