Marissa Nadler
Mr. John Lee (the Velveteen Rose)

Mr. John Lee I knew about your family
But you came when I was lonesome
In the fairest of the spring
And I did not care for your wedding ring
But I did care for Marie

Farewell, my sweet
Oh you often told me
How my hair was a raven
And my eyes were shining bright
But I did not love you quite as well
As your darling loving wife

But every time that you see
A Velveteen Rose
you think of how you once called me
Your Velveteen Rose

Mr. John Lee
'Twas the nite that you told me
The burning thoughts you harboured me
That sheriff found your sweet Marie
Floating by the river weeds
In the fields of green

But every time that you see
A Velveteen Rose
I think of how you once called me
Your Velveteen Rose

Mirror lyrics:

Your Velveteen Rose
I think of how you once called me
A Velveteen Rose
But every time that you see

In the fields of green
Floating by the river weeds
That sheriff found your sweet Marie
The burning thoughts you harboured me
'Twas the nite that you told me
Mr. John Lee

Your Velveteen Rose
you think of how you once called me
A Velveteen Rose
But every time that you see

As your darling loving wife
But I did not love you quite as well
And my eyes were shining bright
How my hair was a raven
Oh you often told me
Farewell, my sweet

But I did care for Marie
And I did not care for your wedding ring
In the fairest of the spring
But you came when I was lonesome
Mr. John Lee I knew about your family

Relevant Tags:
MMr. JJohn LLee ((the VVelveteen RRose) r. ohn ee the elveteen ose) rM. oJhn eLe t(he eVlveteen oRse) jr. kohn kee (tthe belveteen dose) jMr. kJohn kLee (he bVelveteen dRose)
Mjr. Jkohn Lkee (hte Vbelveteen Rdose) kr. iohn oee (fhe celveteen 4ose) kMr. iJohn oLee (fthe cVelveteen 4Rose) Mkr. Jiohn Loee (tfhe Vcelveteen R4ose) nr. mohn pee (5he gelveteen gose)
nMr. mJohn pLee (5the gVelveteen gRose) Mnr. Jmohn Lpee (t5he Vgelveteen Rgose) Mrr. nohn Leee (hhe felveteen tose) M. nJohn Le (hthe fVelveteen tRose) M.r Jnohn Lee (thhe Vfelveteen Rtose)
Md. hohn Lse (yhe Veelveteen 5ose) Mdr. hJohn Lsee (ythe Vlveteen 5Rose) Mrd. Jhohn Lese (tyhe Vleveteen R5ose) M4. uohn L3e (6he Vslveteen fose) M4r. uJohn L3ee (6the Vselveteen fRose)
Mr4. Juohn Le3e (t6he Veslveteen Rfose) Mg. Joohn Lfe (ghe V3lveteen eose) Mgr. Jhn Lfee (gthe V3elveteen eRose) Mrg. Jhon Lefe (tghe Ve3lveteen Reose) Mt. Jkhn Lre (rhe Vflveteen Roose)
Mtr. Lree (rthe Rse) Mrt. Jokhn Lere (trhe Veflveteen Rsoe) M5. J9hn L4e Vrlveteen Rkse) M5r. J9ohn L4ee (te Vrelveteen Rkose) Mr5. Jo9hn Le4e (teh Verlveteen Rokse)
Mf. J0hn Lde (tje V4lveteen R9se) Mfr. J0ohn Ldee (tjhe V4elveteen R9ose) Mrf. Jo0hn Lede (thje Ve4lveteen Ro9se) Me. Jlhn Lwe (tue Vdlveteen R0se) Mer. Jlohn Lwee (tuhe Vdelveteen R0ose)
Mre. Jolhn Lewe (thue Vedlveteen Ro0se) Mr.. Jihn (tne Vwlveteen Rlse) Mr (tnhe Vwelveteen Rlose) Mr. Joihn (thne Vewlveteen Rolse) Johhn Les (tbe Vellveteen Rise)
Jon (tbhe Veveteen Riose) Jonh Lees (thbe Vevleteen Roise) Jojn Le3 (tge Vekveteen Rosse) Jojhn Veklveteen Roe) Johjn Lee3 (thge Velkveteen Roes)
Joun Lef (tye Veoveteen Roze) Jouhn Veolveteen Rozse) Johun Leef (thye Veloveteen Rosze) Jonn Ler (thee Vepveteen Rowe) Jonhn (th Veplveteen Rowse)
Johnn Leer (the Velpveteen Roswe) Jobn Le4 (ths Velvveteen Rode) Jobhn (thse Veleteen Rodse) Johbn Lee4 (thes Velevteen Rosde) Jogn Led (th3 Velbeteen Roee)
Joghn (th3e Velbveteen Roese) Johgn Leed (the3 Velvbeteen Rosee) Joyn Lew (thf Velceteen Roxe) Joyhn (thfe Velcveteen Roxse) Johyn Leew (thef Velvceteen Rosxe)
(thr Velgeteen Roae) Joh (thre Velgveteen Roase) John (ther Velvgeteen Rosae) Johm (th4 Velfeteen Johmn (th4e Velfveteen Ros)
Johnm (the4 Velvfeteen Ros)e Johh (thd Velveeteen Ross) (thde Velvteen Johnh (thed Velvteeen Roses) Johj (thw Velvsteen Ros3)
(thwe Velvseteen Ros3e) Johnj (thew Velvesteen Rose3) Johb Velv3teen Rosf) Velv3eteen Rosfe) Johnb Velve3teen Rosef)
Velvfteen Rosr) Rosre) Velvefteen Roser) Velvrteen Ros4) Velvreteen Ros4e)
Velverteen Rose4)

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