My Morning Jacket
Knot Comes Loose

B. B. B. B. Can't you see that I'm smiling?
can't you see-
there's a part of me that's brand new?
used to be- was a part of me felt like hidin
but now it comes thru!
deep in my heart, that's where the knot comes loose.
deep in my heart, I will remember you.
All my lovely life I been waitin,
hot heels anticipatin.
another love i found not to let down.
deep in my heart- that's where the knot comes loose.
deep in my heart- I will remember you.

Mirror lyrics:

deep in my heart- I will remember you.
deep in my heart- that's where the knot comes loose.
another love i found not to let down.
hot heels anticipatin.
All my lovely life I been waitin,
deep in my heart, I will remember you.
deep in my heart, that's where the knot comes loose.
but now it comes thru!
used to be- was a part of me felt like hidin
there's a part of me that's brand new?
can't you see-
B. B. B. B. Can't you see that I'm smiling?

Relevant Tags:
KKnot CComes LLoose not omes oose nKot oCmes oLose lnot fomes koose lKnot fComes kLoose Klnot Cfomes Lkoose onot xomes ooose
oKnot xComes oLoose Konot Cxomes Looose mnot vomes poose mKnot vComes pLoose Kmnot Cvomes Lpoose jnot domes jKnot dComes Lose
Kjnot Cdomes Loose inot Coomes Lkose iKnot Cmes Kinot Cmoes Lokose Knnot Ckmes L9ose Kot Ckomes L9oose Kont Cokmes Lo9ose
Kmot C9mes L0ose C9omes L0oose Knmot Co9mes Lo0ose Khot C0mes Llose Khnot C0omes Lloose Knhot Co0mes Lolose Kjot Clmes Liose
Clomes Lioose Knjot Colmes Loiose Kbot Cimes Kbnot Ciomes Knbot Coimes Losoe Knoot Commes Lokse Knt Coes
Knto Coems Lookse Knkt Cojes Lo9se Knkot Cojmes Knokt Comjes Loo9se Kn9t Cokes Lo0se Kn9ot Kno9t Comkes Loo0se
Kn0t Cones Lolse

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