My Former Self
Answers To Life

A thickened plot
So mentally shot
Another broken heart
All these things to add to my despair

I wish I knew
Answers to everything

I could see myself
From a distance so far away
Thinking what has gone wrong
Sensing by the sad dull look on that boy's face

I wish I could help myself
I wish I could help some way
Not understand at all anything
Everything has been a lie

I wish I knew
When I looked at the stars

Mirror lyrics:

When I looked at the stars
I wish I knew

Everything has been a lie
Not understand at all anything
I wish I could help some way
I wish I could help myself

Sensing by the sad dull look on that boy's face
Thinking what has gone wrong
From a distance so far away
I could see myself

Answers to everything
I wish I knew

All these things to add to my despair
Another broken heart
So mentally shot
A thickened plot

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